#TrueNews: Accept the Earth’s non-spherical nature


Jacob Tutterow, Reporter

The recent comments made by the Vice President of the United States of America, Mike Pence, stating that the “Round Earth is just a theory, it doesn’t take a genius to know we aren’t going 1000 miles per hour. I’d feel that!” garnered much hate for the man, both online and in Washington, D.C. Why did this receive so much attention? Because the truth came out, and people did not accept it.

The Round Earth Theory, supposedly first proposed by Copernicus (a shameless heretic), became the norm in people’s minds after they stopped using logic when making simple decisions. The Round Earth does not exist, and it only takes the naked eye to see that. Proof for a curved horizon does not exist either, and the only ‘evidence’ comes from the destructive and parasitic government organization called the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). After pretending to land on the moon, the Round Earth became firmly cemented in the minds of blue-pilled laypeople. NASA throws completely false information at society, but through the false god of science, we choose to accept it.

The Cult of Science (CoS), once a respectable intellectual community, became a complete cult, using ‘empirical evidence’ to justify ridiculous claims. The Round Earth shows the CoS at full force. Where do these pieces of ‘evidence’ come from? In the thousands of photos that ‘astronauts’ ‘took’ on the ‘moon’ on Apollo 13, many of them had computer graphical errors and not even stars in the background of the photos. The sheep that actually believe in this ridiculous claim can not critically think whatsoever and have too much trust in the government.

The government, often seen as some benevolent force by the citizens, only persists because of parasitic behavior.  Its vile disregard for basic human rights, as exemplified by the Round Earth Theory controlling people’s thoughts, completely goes against what society created and what natural beings need to survive.

The natural senses granted to us do not lie, and when an individual goes outside and looks at the horizon, it must be horizontal. Do not let these secretive, manipulative leeches in society destroy something as basic as your sight. When people believe something like this Round Earth Theory, they will not object to anything. The CoS has taken the intrinsic principle of free thought and replaced it with mandatory ‘science’, but of course, anyone who commits a thought crime by saying they do not believe in ‘science’, becomes ridiculed and shunned from society.

Mike Pence committed that same thought crime, and now society hates him for it. People need to critically think for a second and actually give him a chance at explaining what he thinks. The CoS will not dominate our lives, and with the support of someone as powerful as Mike Pence, we, as citizens of the Flat Earth, may in fact free ourselves of the tyranny of the CoS.

April Fool’s, you fool!

XOXO, The Chant