Judy Stubblefield
Warriors sported their school colors in the Orange Out theme in the student section on September 5 against Cartersville.
North Cobb’s student section plans to stand out with a themed student section so that Warriors of all grades will show excitement and increase attendance at home games.
“A themed student section would be a great way to promote school spirit throughout the student section, and we could send that out to the field,” junior class president Jake Byrd said.
Though most students seem eager for a new student section, others claim that the current orange and white outs deem efficient. A themed student section might take away from the focus of the game and students may worry about their outfit for the night instead of their team winning.
“I think our orange outs are efficient. We should be focused on the game and cheering on the players,” sophomore Ben Hays said, favoring a non-themed student section.
However, a themed student section does not necessarily cancel out the beloved orange-outs. In fact, some students suggest a balance between North Cobb colors and themes.
“The orange out is our thing, but a themed student section would also be cool. We could have themes for certain games, and it would be nice.” senior Siera Carmichael suggests.
North Cobb’s current student section holds spirit and energy. Whether students throw baby powder into the air or cover themselves in orange and blue, cheer remains a Warrior game staple.
“I love the baby powder idea. Maybe instead of having themed student sections, we could have streamers or balloons to throw as well,” freshman Luke Pradella suggests.
Other schools like Kell High School remain known for their outstanding themed student sections. Last friday, Kell held a bright neon out theme for their away game.
“I went to the Kell game last Friday and it was a Neon out. It was so fun and their student section was definitely the best I’ve seen. We should definitely have a themed student section,” senior Taylor Leudy said.
A themed student section would also show unity in the stands: “I like the idea of a themed student section. We don’t always have to have orange outs. Themed games would increase the students in the student section. Right not, everyone just stands there together, but if there was a sea of neon in the stands, the opposing team would see that we mean business,” Mrs. Woolsey said.
As for excitement, most students agree that when it comes to cheering the boys on the field, apparel dictates nothing. Students find common ground when it comes to cheering on the Warrior nation.
Senior Catherine Lamb explains that “It doesn’t matter if we have a themed student section or orange outs. What matters is that we get as many students into the stands as we can so we can support the boys on the field.”
Themed student section or not, students should continue supporting the Warrior nation. For more information on the themed student section, check out the new Twitter page @NCHSstudentsection.