Courtesy of MacRumors
On September 9th, Apple announced the iPhone 6, tempting avid smartphone users to rack up their money and keep up with the trendiest technology on the market. The new gadget features a larger screen, a thinner structure, iPad-like corners, and a speedy, efficient A8 chip. Not only has the iPhone craze reached tech-savvy Americans across the country, but it has also plagued NC’s student body.
“I’m excited about the new messaging and emojis, because I currently have an Android, so this will be my time with official emojis,” said senior Kirstyn Dubar, who will purchase the iPhone 6 in either silver or gold. “Also, the phone isn’t extremely expensive. It’s the average iPhone price, so I’m not too worried about it.”
Currently, there are two versions of the phone: the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. These mainly differ in their size, with the iPhone 6 weighing at 4.55 oz. with a 4.7 inch screen and the iPhone 6 Plus weighing at 6.07 oz. with a 5.5 inch screen. The iPhone 6 prices on average, from $199 and up, while the iPhone 6 Plus sells for $100 more.
“I like that the model and the screen size is bigger than the previous iPhones. I also like how you can make phone calls over Wi-Fi networks,” praised senior Janice Wheaton.
While some adored the newly-announced device, others felt if the phone failed to meet their initial expectations.
“I don’t like how the phone has rounder corners. I also don’t think there’s anything that special about a bigger screen,” said senior Shanna Salcedo. “Also, I thought it was weird how they moved the lock button to the right side instead of keeping it at the top. If I did get one, it would take some time for me to adjust to that.”
Apple will officially release the phone for sale on September 19th, but iPhone fanatics can pre-order the phone on September 12th.
The new iPhone size isn’t the only changes coming from the launch of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 +. Hover over the image to find out the new features that come along with the newest apple product.