The yearbook staff wants to bring the entire student body together for their new project called Connections, which they will launch in this year’s yearbook.
“You submit a story of how you and someone know each other, or how you met, in a unique or interesting way. This is a way for us to get coverage because there’s like over 1,200 of these that I have to do that are going across the entire yearbook and it’s like a way for people to document their memories,” states project leader senior De’De’ Ajavon.
Connections, similar to the concept of six-degrees of separation, shows everyone at North Cobb is only a few introductions away from every other student.
“We’re just trying to connect the student body to each other,” Ajavon continues.
However, Ajavon continues to struggle in finding all of these connections, as over 2,600 students attend North Cobb. Connections requires work both from Ajavon and the rest of the student body.
“They all have to be done by winter break, but actually, our first deadline is in November. So, by the end of October is like really when I need a lot of them done,” Ajavon said.
Despite the deadline approaching quickly, Connections requires little time from students. As long as students can log onto computers and spare a little bit of time, they can all take part in the project.
“I created a survey that’s really easy to use and it takes about five minutes, depending on how long your story is. You just enter like your basic school information, or you could come by the yearbook room, 2103, across the hall from the freshman cafeteria. I have people going out at lunch doing it interview style, too,” Ajavon said.
The yearbook staff made Connections even more brilliant by adding an attractive incentive for those who participate.
“The prize is a $15 gift card to Chick-fil-A and it’s for the first 100 people that enter like a credible, appropriate, legitimate story. I read through all of them, so if it’s not like worthy of being in the yearbook, I just delete it. So, the first 100 people that enter a good story get entered into a drawing to win the gift card at Chick-fil-A,” Ajavon explained.
When students participate in Connections, they could possibly gain stronger friendships and those delicious Chick-fil-A meals. For the chance to win, students must hurry and submit their surveys soon, as there are only approximately 40 spots left in the raffle. Despite this delicious, fun incentive, students must follow certain rules for the chance to win the gift card.
Ajavon explained, “On the survey, you have to enter your name and we check every name in the student schedules to make sure they actually go to the school. Your connections actually have to be in the school and then, we check their student ID number. It just has to be really appropriate.”
These serious rules do not limit most stories, though. Students can still submit their hilarious or wild memories.
“I mean, some of them are funny. One of them was like, ‘me and this person are soul mates because we love pizza and pizza is life’,” Ajavon said.
Connections means more than just a survey. With a little help from her friends, Ajavon could easily connect the entire school, creating life-long friendships and a memorable yearbook.
Ajavon said, “I know it seems annoying to do it now and take the time to fill it out, but like in 10 or 20 years when you go back and read your yearbook, it’s like, ‘Oh yeah, that’s cool I completely forgot about that’. Now you’re gonna be like, ‘Oh my god, I don’t wanna take a picture’, but eventually it’ll be like, ‘I wish I would’ve been more involved’.”
Take the survey here.