Wrapping up fall lacrosse


Isabella Keaton

Boys Fall Lacrosse ends their last practice before going to their final tournament. The team leaves everything out on the field to prepare themselves for hard competition. The bittersweet end of fall lacrosse kicks off the beginning of spring lacrosse where teammates remain hopeful and excited for prosperity.

Isabella Keaton, Features Editor

The NC fall Lacrosse season ended after their last tournament, The Southside Holiday Classic in Peachtree City, on Saturday, November 10. The team put up a great hustle at their last game— their best performance out of all the other games of the season.

“The season started off really well, but then we started to play harder competition and we started declining a little bit. The tournament at the end of the season was better than the rest of the games,” sophomore midfielder Trenton Nolen said.

The season took a quick downfall after their first few games when they started playing more advanced teams, such as Harrison High School. The players lost a touch of enthusiasm throughout the fall season, but brought it back as they played their last tournament when Nolen took the field and helped the team win their last game.

“At the last tournament, we played this really chippy team from Carrollton, and I got hurt two minutes into the first half of the game. Then Coach Stanhope asked me to play the second half and the score was still 0-0. After I got in, I scored three goals and we ended up winning the game 4-2,” Nolen said.

Although the team did not play their best season, they still improved from last year. With more players and new coaches, the team worked hard on new skills and focused on individual position work.

“We played a lot better than last year because as a team, we worked better together and there were a lot of new players that made the team bigger and brought more talent in,” Nolen said.

Coach Kyle Van Kauwenberg—also known as Coach “VK”—started a new drill for practices. Coach VK separated the players into groups of four or five by position and worked specifically with those players on skills directly related to their position.

“At the beginning, they were really hard and we didn’t know what to expect, but as we kept going it started to help us a lot and it will continue to help us in the spring,” sophomore attack player Reagan Mullinax said.

The players plan to learn from their fall season to make the spring season a success and take the Warrior Boys Lacrosse back to the playoffs for the third year in a row.

“I think we could bring more effort into the spring season. Fall lacrosse is just more of a fun time, but spring lacrosse we really try to focus on working hard and getting better,” Nolen said.