Jordan Grubb
Apple’s recent release of the iPhone 6, 6+, and iOS 8 processing system brought in record sales for the acclaimed corporation, yet falls short of expectations.
Since Apple’s launch in 1976, consumers around the globe fall victim to the intrigue surrounding their always-advanced electronic devices. Enthusiasts even resort to camping storefront for weeks just to purchase Apple’s newest gadget. The story played out no different on September 19. Crowds of thousands lined up to get their hands on the iPhone 6 and 6+, just days after the company released the smartphones at their annual event.
Apple claims their newest iPhones stand as the most revolutionary to date, a common phrase uttered before a new release. The most obvious change from the iPhone 5s comes in actual appearance and size of the phones. The iPhone 6 measures 4.7 inches, while the 6+ boasts a whopping 5.5 inch display. In fact, simply opening the box upon receiving the iPhone 6 proved to be a shock. This change remains the most obvious, especially considering Apple stuck with similar screen sizes for all of its previous iPhone models. So why the big switch?

Jordan Grubb
With the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note introduced in 2011, Apple obviously felt pressure from their largest competitor to create a larger phone. Their newest releases prove just that. The design seems strange to many, as the iPhones always differed from their Android counterparts in size. The 4.7 inch display on the 6 does not necessarily provide an inconvenience, but the phone lacks unique Apple characteristics, such as the rectangular shape. It essentially serves as an Android imitator.
While the exterior of the iPhone 6 seems foreign, the software remains similar. iOS 8 contains few changes from the previous system. Bolder text, improvements to the camera, and few other minor conveniences characterize the processor. Unfortunately, the small improvements come at a price. iOS 8 may work faster, but frequent crashes and the unwanted removal of the camera roll function frustrate users. In attempts to provide a quick fix, Apple released the 8.0.1 update just days after the phones began selling, only creating more glitches and prompting the company to remove the update shortly after the release.
In addition, the anticipated health app is virtually unusable, due to a software issue on the home screen of millions. The widely advertised Apple Pay system and iCloud Drive function also has yet to become available. Some users have even reported poor construction of the new phone, as incidents of the iPhone 6+ bending under meager force continue to occur.
Although the screen resolution, a stunning 1334 x 750, appears crisp and sharp, Apple clearly released two iPhones that were simply not ready to be offered to the public just yet. The stress Apple feels from the growing success of Samsung and other large technology companies remains apparent and reflects poorly through the iPhone 6.
The Chant’s grade: D+