images from Disney, Lionsgate, and Marvel
Avengers: Endgame, Frozen 2, Aladdin (live action), The Lion King (live action), and Tyler Perry's a Madea Family Funeral
Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Infinity War left viewers frustrated and yearning for more. The unexpected disappearance of characters in the film confused fans and left them disappointed. Unfortunately, viewers’ frustration will not end until April 26. The trailer of Avengers: Endgame hinted that characters lost in the previous movie will reappear, but numerous beloved characters will not return. Directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo plan to make Avengers: Endgame “unlike anything Marvel fans have seen before in film or comics,” writer for the ComicBook , Jamie Lovett said.
The recent years marked the new trend for converting animated movies into live-action films. Walt Disney Pictures released Aladdin in 1992 and director Jon Favreau plans to release the live-action version of Aladdin on May 24. The movie will include well-known celebrity Will Smith who plays the genie and also features Mena Massoud, who will play Aladdin. Audiences look forward to taking a magic carpet ride back to their childhood.
Frozen 2
Disney released the original animated Frozen movie in 2013. The movie, directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, inspired by Hans Christian Anderson’s “Snow Queen,” featured stars Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and Jonathan Groff. Frozen left children obsessing with the Disney characters and reviewers debating if the film promoted female empowerment compared to other Disney films. Fans speculated that the new movie will include character involvement without the help of a man. Either way, Frozen enthusiasts remain optimistic about the new future of the Frozen film. Directors confirmed that the Disney film “will be ‘bigger, more epic’” writer for the Variety Marc Malkin said.
Lion King
The original Lion King cartoon movie initially premiered in 1994. Director Jon Favreau plans to release the new Lion King with live-action in 2019. Prepare for the awaiting adventure within the Sahara as new voices appear on July 19. In the Sahara of Africa, Mufasa trains his son Simba for the forthcoming throne in the kingdom. Unfortunately, his brother, Scar inhibits this power through his nefarious acts. Along the way, Simba makes friends in the jungle and reclaims his throne in the kingdom.
Tyler Perry’s a Madea Family Funeral
Tyler Perry brought Madea back to theaters with predecessor Madea: Boo 2. The film left reviewers dissatisfied as it ranked a “2.6 out of 10” Rotten Tomatoes said. Unfortunately, for Madea fans, “[Tyler] Perry told Bevelations host Bevy Smith that [this is] the last Madea movie,” Sirius XM said. Perry intends to squeeze out one more comedy film from Madea as she engages in a family reunion and “the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unsavory family secrets,” ComingSoon said.
The new year calls for new cinematic productions. Look forward to viewing these films that audiences of all ages can enjoy.