NC goes green…ish


Angela Canales

NC plans to commence construction this summer and finish before the 2019-2020 school year begins. With new hand sanitizer dispensers that will rid the buildings of large amounts of paper towel supply, the school will save thousands on water expenses and paper towel orders, leaving more money to fund other projects at NC, like football.

Angela Canales, Reporter, Photographer

Over the past month, NC’s administration held a lengthy meeting with the science department discussing potential methods to turn the school into a greener, more environmentally aware and efficient community. With many debates and compromises thrown back and forth, the staff decided that the prior to initiating the 2019-2020 school year, they would demolish and replace all restroom sinks and paper towel dispensers with eco-friendly dispensers of hand sanitizer in all NC buildings.

“We thought that this would be a greener alternative to hand washing as it not only save tons of water that goes to waste in our school on a daily basis, but it also saves the amount of paper that students and staff use for hand drying,” AP Environmental Science teacher Julie Hopp said.

The environmentally safe dispensers, set up to the walls similar to the way that the soap dispensers do, will avoid throwing away plastic hand sanitizer bottles that would end up as waste in the oceans, posing as a threat to wildlife and the ocean itself.

“Our oceans need to be protected, and as a community, NC needs to come together and take the first initiative to spark a green movement across all of Cobb County. If we serve as an example, we could be one step closer to saving the planet,” NC principal Matthew Moody said.

While many students may oppose the idea for the sake of proper sanitation, the NC administration has reduced those fears and worries with assuring that only Germ-X hand sanitizer will be placed in the dispensers, killing approximately 99.9% of germs on hands. The hand sanitizer also dries on its own, reducing the amount of paper NC uses and throws away.

“We already use tons of paper with school work, and a lot does go to waste with our standard paper supply here at NC. Why not save trees and get rid of the towel dispensers?” AP Environmental Science and zoology teacher Mr. Evans said.

Construction begins this summer in June, expecting to become finished in early July. With this green movement shedding its light upon NC, it remains a possibility that other factors of the school may face replacements with environmentally friendly alternatives.

Happy April Fool’s, you fool!


The Chant