Haley Kish
Assistant Principal Mary Goodwin recites a poem pertaining to veterans, making them feel welcomed at NC and honoring them for their accomplishments. NC students gathered in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) to thank those who fought for their freedom and rights. Students and faculty felt moved by the service and in the end, everyone cheered for those who risk it all.
NC celebrated Veteran’s Day by holding a ceremony honoring past, present, and future individuals in the NC community who served the country by enlisting in the military. Arranged by Assistant Principal Mary Goodwin, students left their first block classes and sat in the Performing Arts Center during the service on November 11. The program started off with the invited veterans from the Kennesaw area and NC JROTC students walking to the front of the PAC–sitting in the middle row. While they found their seats, students clapped and cheered for those who served.
JROTC students began the service by presenting the colors of the United States accompanied by the chorus a capella quartet singing the National Anthem, followed by the audience reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. After the presentation of the colors, NC principal Matthew Moody thanked the audience for attending and the performance by the beginner women’s chorus and the chamber orchestra began.
Kennesaw Mayor Derek Easterling, the guest speaker, spoke on his experience in the military and what it taught him over the 17 years of active duty, largely spent in a submarine. After Easterling’s presentation, First Sergeant Michael Dickerson honored those who lost their lives serving in the armed forces by announcing their names and saluting them. Shortly after, the chamber orchestra performed a mash-up of the different military theme songs for each branch with the veterans standing during the song. The chorus and orchestra then came together and performed “God Bless America,” which moved the audience—giving chills to those who listened. The service closed with Goodwin reciting a poem commemorating veterans who risked their lives for the country.
“The service was put together really well. I was happy that I was able to thank those who served by performing with the orchestra group,” Magnet senior Emma Collins said.
NC thanks those who chose to enlist in the military and fight for American freedoms and liberties. The United States could not function without them as their hard work, dedication and bravery they exhibit when protecting this country allows citizens to live safely and exercise their rights.