Dominik Perez
As we approach the one year mark since COVID-19 sprung up around the globe, some can not help but wonder when this pandemic will come to an end. With vaccines rolling out globally, the post pandemic future begins to look brighter and brighter.
As of February 4, 2020 over 1,000,000 Georgians have received vaccinations for COVID-19. The pandemic, which took hold of the world last March, finally begins to come under control as the Biden Administration continues to increase the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines nationwide. Starting next week, the Biden Administration will begin distributing 154,000 vaccines a week to Georgia, an increase from the current number of 120,000 vaccines a week. While the increased numbers show an improvement in vaccine distribution, it still comes short by a long shot of meeting the needs of our state. Currently, over two million Georgians fit the requirements to receive vaccination. This number consists almost entirely of those 65 years and older, healthcare workers and public safety officers, as well as those who live and work in long-term care facilities.
This group of people make up the first stage of Georgia’s vaccine distribution plan. Governor Kemp stated that it will likely take two to three more weeks before distribution can expand to 1B, which now includes teachers as well as other essential workers. The third and final stage, 1C, includes people between the ages of sixteen and sixty four with severe medical risk if they contract the disease. It remains unknown when Georgia will advance to this next stage, however.
While 4,000 variants of the vaccine exist, only two have received authorization for use in the United States. Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine currently see use throughout the country while other variations continue to go through trials.
“Nothing like this has ever happened in history. The vaccine may seem rushed, but it’s only due to the massive amount of funding it had. The only problem is that they don’t have data on its long term effects, but in all honesty I’m not too worried about that if scientists aren’t. I plan on getting the vaccine whenever I can, because I just want this to be over already,” junior Chloe Mcspadden said.
For those receiving vaccinations, expect possible side effects to occur. These side effects include: Pain, chills, swelling, tiredness, fever, and headache. These side effects can make you feel as if you have the Flu, but should go away within a few days. If you experience difficulty breathing, swelling of face or throat, fast heartbeat, or dizziness and weakness, contact a doctor immediately.
The UK strain of the virus has made its way to the U.S. and infected a confirmed total of twenty three Georgians as of February 3, 2020. Dr. Anthony Fauci expects that this highly contagious strain may dominate U.S. COVID-19 cases by March, however, as it stands the public can expect the current vaccines to work on the mutated virus.
While COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc across the globe, government and healthcare officials do their best to try and protect our communities. When waiting to receive the vaccine, or even if you have already received it, the CDC advises to continue maintaining social distance and wear masks while in public. Practicing COVID-19 safety will keep the spread of the virus down while the roll-outspeeds up.