Dear editor,
I think “Costumed preschoolers trick-or-treat in hallways, delighting students and teachers” was a good article. Everyone really enjoyed seeing all of the cute little kids. All of the students “aww”ed when they walked into my classroom. I think the little kids enjoy seeing how a high school classroom works. This has been a tradition since I’ve been at North Cobb and I hope to see it continue.
–Peyton B
Dear editor,
I think it was so sweet to take the little kids trick-or-treating around the school. It is my first year here at North Cobb and I’ve never seen that at a school. It was the cutest thing to see them get so excited for the candy. I absolutely loved it.
Taylor Byers
To the editor,
The preschoolers trick-or-treating was very nice. The fact that we let the preschoolers dress up and walk around the whole school was awesome. Letting the preschoolers express themselves by being able to wear their own costume must feel amazing to them. It’s important that we keep doing this in the coming years. This should start being done with more schools.
Jose Cervantes
The original article reference can be read here.