Courtesy of Isabella Keaton
The class of 2019, the last class to celebrate senior spirit week, enjoyed their dress up days. Unfortunately, the class of 2020’s senior week faced struggles due to COVID. Their senior week’s cancellation makes the class of 2021’s senior week even more highly anticipated.
As the 2020-21 school year winds down, the seniors of NC begin to depart from high school and enter into their next chapter. April and May mark times of celebration for their hard work. The first of these celebrations, senior week, allows students apart of the class of 2021 to dress up according to themes each day during the week of April 19-23.
The first of the dress up days, “Orange Out,” consists of an age-old tradition present at football games, pep rallys, and every senior week. For seniors, orange has become a staple in their closet, but to make your last Orange Out extra special consider using hair tinsel, bandanas, and even orange socks in order to express your school spirit from head to toe. Students could personalize orange t-shirts by using tie-dye and even adding your last name on the back, similar to a jersey. Matching with your friends makes for a perfect picture and a memory to cherish forever.
On Tuesday, students can flaunt their college gear for “Future Destination Day.” Dick’s Sporting Goods carries a wide variety of college apparel, even Nike and Under Armour branded gear. To make an unflattering t-shirt cute, consider pairing it with a skirt and cropping or tucking in the shirt. The oversized look also popularized over the past few years makes for an easy and comfortable outfit. This spirit day prepares seniors for the next chapter in their lives and allows them to proudly announce their next steps.
On Wednesday, students can flash forward and dress up as older versions of themselves for “Senior Citizen Day.” Decked out with gray wigs, granny-inspired outfits, and perhaps even a glasses chain, this trend has become exceedingly popular among seniors over the past few years. Dressing up as a senior citizen provides a fun activity for students to take part in and coordinate with their friends, perhaps becoming a “granny gang.”
The last day of spirit week, perhaps the most exciting, “Dress your best day,” encourages students to dress to the nines. While encouraged to wear formal dress, students can instead wear whatever they feel their best in and most confident self in. This can include a full suit and tie or even just your favorite shirt.
However you choose to celebrate your accomplishments, Senior Week exists as an opportunity for final silly memories and fun photos to look back on in the future. Whether virtual or in-person, you can still participate by sending pictures to friends and Principal Moody’s Instagram of your outfit or just show up to school decked out in school spirit.