In Early Childhood Education teacher Becky Young's classroom, she teaches students in levels 1, 2, and 3. As soon as students enter the classroom, Young introduces them to a range of lessons on child development. Students participate in the Little Warrior Preschool (LWP) after becoming familiar with all the areas that relate to child development. By creating original ideas based on the information taught to them, students develop their leadership and creative talents.
NC offers the Early Childhood Education(ECE) pathway which aids the Little Warrior Preschool(LWP). The LWP operates under the direction of ECE pathway head and teacher Becky Young.
“I have been at NC for 12 years while the Little Warrior Preschool [has been here for] 22. I enjoy seeing the children learn from preschool and the excitement it gives me knowing that I’ve laid their foundation for the rest of their education. One thing I think would benefit the preschool would be better funding. With better funding, the possibilities of preschool would be beyond imaginable,” Young said.
The LWP provides second and third-level students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working with children. Students who desire this hands-on experience typically plan to pursue a career in the ECE field. The experience students gain from teaching through the LWP can turn into an experience that they can use on their resumes for college for future careers.
“Honestly, I’ve always been interested in the pathways, and I want to specialize in pediatrics. That’s why I wanted to do the pathway for early childhood, and I like working with children and becoming a part of their learning process. Preschool is essentially the first learning experience they have outside of their home,” senior Viviana Mercado said.
To gain direct experience with the LWP, students must journey through the first level of the ECE pathway where they learn the different stages of child development. After learning and passing level one, students can move on to level two allowing students to take part in preschool under the authority of level three students.
Preschool occurs during the normal school day. Young’s early class handles literacy, science, math and social studies lessons. Groups made up of levels two and three collaborate together to decide on what the literacy, science, math and social studies lessons should consist of based on the theme given. The next class of students focuses on snacks and art. The snack demonstrates that the students can show creativity in all aspects of the preschool curriculum down to what the preschoolers eat. The art that the group works together on must entertain and challenge the children while maintaining a level of creativity for the kids. The group also decides on what the snacks should consist of while maintaining a balanced meal plate and considering allergies. The snack and art must also fit into the theme for the week.
By providing constructive criticism and advice based on their knowledge and experience, LWP teachers—NC students in ECE— learn important traits such as accountability, which also helps them develop their social and leadership abilities. Teaching in the LWP also creates meaningful relationships with not only the kids but also the other students they teach.
“It’s not only something that builds your character but also helps you develop your social skills, also helping people and just being like a guide in this journey that they are learning cause I know level 2 can be a little overwhelming but it’s fun at the same time,” Mercado said.
The ECE pathway also appears influential in students’ academic success. For students to successfully complete the pathway, they must pass the end-of-pathway (EOP) assessment and achieve an overall average of 85 or higher throughout the three courses. The students can graduate with a cord as well as employability, pathway and leadership seals once they satisfy all the prerequisites.
Students obtain skills that they will need for any future career while preschoolers develop the skills needed to take on kindergarten. Creating an environment where the children feel free to study and experience their first year of school remains the main priority for young and ECE students.