Tarleshia Jean-Pierre
Mrs. Stoll takes a brief moment to speak with Chant reporters before returning to her hectic job.
Every year, Cobb County schools nominate one staff member for Classified Employee of the Year. Candidates can work in food services, clerical, custodial, and any other non-teacher groups. From these groups, Cobb County schools choose a staff member who exhibits remarkable job performance and noteworthy commitment to his or her duties, and this year’s winner is Mrs. Mary Stoll.

“I was so honored when I got the award. I wasn’t really expecting it. I thought it would go to someone else,” Stoll admitted.
Mrs. Stoll grew up in a small town in Tennessee. She has lived in the Kennesaw area for 17 years and has worked at North Cobb for ten.
While Mrs. Stoll bears a friendly and calm aura, she also demonstrates passion and dedicates herself to her career: “My favorite part about working at the Freshman Academy attendance office is that it’s something different every day. It’s never the same,” said Mrs. Stoll.
Her average day comprises of many duties and responsibilities. She checks in tardy students, monitors attendance, deals with dress code violations, answers phone calls, and works closely with the assistant principal and guidance counselors. Although she remains primarily in the office, Mrs. Stoll ensures a properly functioning school through her hard-work and perseverance.
Close friend and coworker Mrs. Husband confirms Mrs. Stoll’s exemplary work ethic: “She never says no. You ask her for something, and she says ‘Of course we can!’ Not once has she ever turned me down. Not only does she have her student aids do things for me, but they do it so well, I always want to go back and use them again. Simply put, she’s awesome.”
During her spare time, Mrs. Stoll enjoys reading, going to the movies, and working on crossword and Sudoku puzzles. Additionally, she loves spending time with her husband and three daughters, one of whom recently married, and another who currently teaches at Smitha Middle School in Marietta.