Alex O'Brien
An Open Letter to My Newsie Friends,
As a freshman, I never imagined my writing would grow to possess meaning. I never even thought anyone would actually read anything I wrote. Yet here I am, four years later, an editor in newspaper about to attend college for a journalism degree. However, I know none of this would be possible without everyone I know and love in newspaper.
Nabila: I will start by apologizing for constantly mispronouncing your name when we first met. You have such a honest and bright personality, and always tried to put forth your best work. With your honesty and unique style, your future looks bright.
Melissa: Oh Melissa. How will I survive college without your infamous laugh? What will I do without your bubbly personality to brighten my day? I honestly loved befriending you this year. You tried so hard everyday this semester to grow and learn. I know deep in my heart you will accomplish wonderful things.
Alex: Alex…my crazy partner in crime. Newspaper forced our nerdy selves together, and here we are a year and a half later, completely inseparable. After my whole friendless fiasco junior year, you were the first real friend I made. You never questioned any of my weird ideas, laughed at my fangirling, or called me ridiculous for going on feminist rants. Instead, we formed strange ideas together, fangirled over everything from Harry Potter to the Marvel Universe, and ranted about social justice together. You honestly helped me survive two of the most difficult years of my life, and I will forever be grateful for your smile and sarcastic jokes. Finally, from your Elphaba to my dear Glinda, “Let me say before we part, so much of me is made from what I learned from you. You’ll be with me, like a handprint on my heart. Now whatever our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend.”
Kat: I officially leave my desk area to Ms. Katherine Shambaugh with the hope that she loves it as much as I do. Kat, this semester was not the same without you. Looking back, the fact that I only knew you a few months before becoming such close friends seems so strange. Yet as I go off to college, I know I will miss you everyday. Who else will constantly deal with all my Les Miserables references? Who else will I make weird Catholicism jokes with? Even when I am gone, please never lose your sense of wonder or your beautiful imagination. So, to the Marius Pontmercy to my Jean Prouvaire, “At the shrine of friendship, never say die. Let the wine of friendship never run dry. Here’s to you. And here’s to me.”
Fatima: Every word that comes out of your mouth becomes either instantly funny or truly inspiring. Whether you know it or not, Fatima, you are honestly so kind and sweet, but also so blunt and honest. You never hold back when something bothers you, and I find that incredibly brave. You are going to be an amazing editor. Make us all proud!
Carli: We met in Ms. Kovel’s freshman Literary-Art Magazine after school club. Four years later, I never imagined I would ever call you a friend, but I see you everyday. When I first started newspaper junior year, you treated me so kindly and helped me learn so much. I always look forward to hearing your weird jokes and strange humor everyday in class. Despite the front I put on, I honestly will miss you teasing me whenever I say something ridiculous. Take that humor and make something magical out of it.
Arsheen: I have only known you for a year, but I can tell you are a talented and good-hearted person. Through AP Literature, Newspaper, and everything inbetween this year, you always managed to laugh and joke with Sarah. Seeing your friendship with Sarah this year was honestly so adorable. I hope you two stay in touch and remain so close.
Sarah: Sarah, I never suspected we would be friends when I joined newspaper junior year. After growing closer with everyone, however, I soon learned how sassy and hilarious you are. You are truly the Starbucks Queen. When I finally attend college this fall, I will always miss hearing Carli and you talk about the drama on your sports teams. You are going to be an awesome editor. Long live the Starbucks Queen.
Morgan: Way back in freshman year, I met you through our mutual love for Harry Potter. Between PE, our languages class, lunch, and marching band, we remained inseparable during first semester. You were my first real friend in high school. Even after you left marching band, we remained close. Looking back on it now, we helped each through so many hard times. I know you will accomplish something amazing in your life.
Sabrina: I met you in sixth grade in band class as we both sat there with our flutes. Almost seven years later, I still see your dorky face everyday. I am so proud of you for dealing with your anxiety this year, and I hope that in college, you continue to cope well with it. No matter what anyone thinks, I know underneath your awkward demeanor and social anxiety there is a really sarcastic and creative person waiting to come out. Do not be afraid to let that person out.
Andrew: I was not sure what to expect from you when you first joined. After getting to know you a bit, I discovered you are a kind, creative person. I have no idea how you did it, but you always managed to balance your writing and sports life. I can barely balance drama and writing. I know you will succeed in life and will make an amazing sports editor.
Emmett: Between newspaper and drama, I saw two very different sides of you this year. Both sides of you are very talented, and I know you will be an insanely good News Editor next year. The news page will remain in good hands after I leave. I am sure of it.
Sophia Mapua: The last time we were friends, I wore ponytails everyday, and you read during recess. Catching up with you after all these years was honestly so wonderful. No matter what you ever thought, I never stopped believing you were brilliant. You produced some stunning stories this year, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.
Anabel: Ever since Morgan met you last year, I heard about you so often, but I was never sure what to expect when I finally met you. Now I know what to expect: a friend. Anabel your style and personality is honestly one of kind, and I loved befriending you finally. Both your acting and writing remains some of the best I have seen at NC, and I hope you never stop doing either. I truly enjoyed watching you become the writer and editor you are today, and I know next year will hold more wonderful things for you.
Judy: I learned so much about photography from you, and watching you practice what you love was always amazing. You truly have a gift with photographs, and I hope it gets put to good use.
Cameron: You said you did not want a letter, so instead I will leave you a short note. You are a man of few words, but the ones you say are great.
AJ: Continue to practice what you love and something amazing will happen.
Tarleshia: I believe that there is a talent in you. If you work hard, that talent will blossom into something worthwhile.
Adam: Oh Adam. Where to even begin with you? When I joined junior year, I thought you loathed me at first. Here comes annoying Kayley with her social justice rants and social anxiety. Honestly though, you were one of the first established people who actually tried to talk to me. Now that high school has ended, I think I will miss our sarcastic conversations and pretend arguments. Between your passion for writing and leadership, I believe you will make one awesome editor-in-chief.
Sophia Mackey: When I first met you, I thought you were way too cool to even speak to. Between your green hair, sassy demeanor, and hardcore feminist values, I could not help but feel slightly intimidated by you. While you most certainly possess all three of those qualities, you also truly care about your friends and creativity. You stand up for your beliefs, but also know when to fight your battles. Wherever you go from here, I know it will move you towards a promising and creative future.
Alicia: Oh my goodness Alicia, I cannot believe I am saying goodbye to you! How will I survive the next four years without your compassion, encouragement, and funky tunes? What if my editor-in-chief at Berry hates singing? Whoever my editor-in-chiefs become in college, none of them will ever compare to you. You truly care about everyone on newspaper, and push them to become the best writer or photographer they can be. During junior year, you never stopped encouraging me to pursue my ridiculous passions and ideas. Without you, I am not sure I would possess the confidence and courage I hold now. No one in newspaper would. We all know there is greatness in you, Alicia, and I cannot wait to see what that greatness accomplishes in the world.
Ms. Kovel: I honestly have no idea how to say goodbye to you. You watched me grow and learn all throughout high school and gave me the courage to speak my mind. The first time I met you, I never looked at anyone, my hair had blue streaks, and I could barely talk to anyone. Now, as I go off to college, I always make eye contact, my hair is normal, and I feel like I can talk to anyone. I’m not sure I could have make that transformation without you.
You often talk about your obsession with Boy Meets World. I started watching the show this year, and after meeting all the characters, I decided I can definitely relate to Cory and Topanga. I can relate to them because Ms. Kovel, you are my Mr. Feeny. You are everyone in newspaper’s Mr. Feeny. When times becomes rough, we know we can count on you to help us through it. That is why I will miss you so much, why I will miss this class so much.
Kayley Rapp