High school serves as an advertisement for a time to explore and figure out one’s interests. Since students remain underage for most of their high school experience, school clubs stand as the main way people can explore their interests and make a name for themselves. NC offers many clubs that appeal to different types of people and aid students in understanding what appeals to them. The clubs at NC helped students realize and further invest their interests.
Over 68 clubs exist at NC and beyond generic ones found in every school at that, such as Debate Club and Model United Nations. Instead, those offered include Amnesty Club, H.o.P.e Club, Humans for Humans, and even Quidditch Club. Students possess a multitude of opportunities to test out clubs and see which ones they fit into. Joining clubs helped me freshman year by allowing to explore my interests outside of classes. I joined social studies-oriented clubs that helped me develop a love for the subject. Similarly, once people find a club, they attend the meetings, and the clubs’ diversity enable all types of students to discover a place they can connect with friends possessing similar interests.
Attendees find themselves balancing their homework, clubs, and sports. “Balancing homework and a multitude of clubs and extracurriculars can be hard,” said junior Nadin Catak. “It takes up a lot of your free time, but it teaches you how to manage your time better, makes you work harder.”
Students who join clubs and deal with immense amounts of homework find it difficult to do both at once. Days exist where teachers give me homework in all my classes and club leaders expect me to attend club meetings. At first, I found it difficult to choose between attending meetings and doing my homework. I eventually came to learn that prioritizing schoolwork and missing an occasional meeting proved satisfactory.
Some students find it funny that such a long amount of time is consumed to announce club meetings during the announcements. Yes, I admit that we do have a lot of clubs and some even seem unnecessary, but to other students those clubs address their interests. Having different types of clubs allows for students with different backgrounds to feel included.
Attending a school that gives major attention to experiences after school allows for students to develop personalities and interests that they otherwise would not. The clubs at school helped me realize my interests and learn how to interact with different types of people. Although students meet each other in classes, they do not interact as much as they would in an outside of school situation. The numerous amount of clubs at school might seem like a laughing matter but in reality, it provides aid and comfort for most students.