Dylan Kellos
Last night was the 6th Republican debate with top 7 candidates in the GOP vying for the top job in the world.
Last night marked the 6th Republican debate with the top polling candidates, as Donald Trump leads with Ted Cruz close behind.
The controversy of the night built up to be the clash between Trump and Cruz over Cruz’s eligibility to run for the office over his Canadian birth.
In response to the allegations against him, Cruz said, “There was nothing to this birther issue. Since September, the Constitution hasn’t changed but the poll numbers have.” When the heat fired back, Trump in turn responded to his own allegations, that the poll numbers brought up the issues initially, and said “He’s doing a little bit better. I didn’t care before.”
Throughout the night, the common tone among candidates like Chris Christie and Marco Rubio sparked the attacking of standing president Obama and opponent Hillary Clinton. Although they shared a common enemy for the night, it did not stop them from fighting each other as well.
“Unfortunately, Governor Christie has endorsed many of the ideas that Barack Obama supports, whether it is Common Core or gun control or the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor or the donation he made to Planned Parenthood,” Rubio said.
Christie countered with a lackluster response trying to dodge the accusations by saying, “When you’re senator, what you get to do is just talk and talk and talk.”
During the debate, Dr. Ben Carson brought in the much needed comic relief, regarding his speaking time and somber quiet tone said, “I’m very happy to get a question this early on. I was going to ask you to wake me up when the time came.”
With Iowa less than a month away, the time gets closer and closer to start picking the next Presidential candidates on both the Republican and Democratic sides.