Tribal Connections entertains students in Hoopcoming pep rally


Nadya Awino

Hoopcoming king nominee senior Kenny Ume struts through the gym.

Kat Shambaugh, Features editor

As the pinnacle of NC’s first Hoopcoming week, Tribal Connections (TC) hosted two pep rallies in the gym on Friday, January 15. Taking place during fourth period, the first pep rally entertained freshmen and sophomores, and the second juniors and seniors. With representation from different NC clubs and a parade of Hoopcoming princes, each group spent half an hour amping up for the night’s basketball games.

The NC marching band played stand tunes as students entered the rally, including the iconic fight song. After TC situated students in the bleachers based on grade level, they planned games for each side of the gym, including a beach ball toss. The NC dance team performed a routine shortly after. Each event led to the procession of the Hoopcoming princes and king nominees, and the crowning of senior Maliel Nwachkwu as the official Hoopcoming king.

In the end, NC crowned senior Maliel Nwachkw as Hoopcoming king.
Nadya Awino
In the end, NC crowned senior Maliel Nwachkwu as Hoopcoming king.

“I just wanna say y’all guys are the best. I love you guys,” Nwachkwu said as he was crowned.

After the naming of the winner, Coach Steven Butler, Coach William Hargis, Michael Vacca, Michael Eber, and Coach Michael Dillard participated in a free throw competition, with Hargis triumphing. TC then announced the night’s basketball games and introduced the Varsity basketball teams.

“This Pep rally was the best one I have ever been to,” junior Bethel Mamo said. “There was so much spirit from the kids and it was obvious they wanted to be there. The basketball contest between the teachers was my favorite part because I got to see them compete and do normal things.”

NC’s first annual Hoopcoming week and culminating pep rally pumped the student population up for the Varsity basketball games, while allowing students to recognize NC’s clubs and sports. All of the activities planned by TC and the crowning of the king left students with a number of reasons to start the new semester with excitement.