A “Malayzing” job: Model UN attends Georgia Tech conference
Courtesy of the GTMUN Press Corps
Senior Shelby Estroff presents a proposal to the General Assembly Plenary as the Malaysian Delegate to the UN Security Council.
October 18, 2016
NC’s Model United Nations (Model UN) team visited Georgia Tech’s annual conference as the delegation from Malaysia on October 10 and 11. The event served as NC’s first time returning to the conference after a boycott starting five years ago over concerns about fairness and quality.
“[The] delegates represented NCHS in their usual stellar fashion. We won no awards, but none were expected,” Glenn Pannell, Model UN coach and chaperone, said.
Delegates left NC at 7:15 a.m. on Monday, October 10 and arrived just in time to start committee at 8:30 a.m.. The NC delegates dealt with topics from every committee in the United Nations, from combatting terrorism with technology to protecting Martian water resources. With only a quick break for lunch in the city, the delegates collaborated with other countries to develop solutions, write resolutions, and vote in new UN policy.
“The first topic went really well, it was really fairly done. As Malaysia, we played a very prominent role in one of the draft resolutions,” senior Giovanni Merendino said.
The delegates returned the next morning at 7:00 a.m. for more writing and diplomacy. In one committee, Malaysia became a pirate confederacy; in another they established a loan system for sunspot monitoring stations in less-developed countries. NC delegates dominated every committee, from the ultra-rational to the absurd.
“Although the team didn’t win any awards,” senior Imani Bryant said. “I think we accomplished our mission. We were there to understand how Georgia Tech runs their conference and how we can make informed decisions for the future.”
The NC Model UN team will continue to excel at its next conference, at Georgia State University on November 14th to 15th.
Sam Smith • Oct 18, 2016 at 12:55 PM
The author must be very handsome to be so intelligent and well-spoken. I look forward to printing out more of his articles and pinning them to my refrigerator so I can see them every day.