Haley Kish

Impeachment is a power play

Democrats stir up the pot in Washington as they formalize the impeachment inquiry on President Donald Trump’s alleged abuse of power. The impeachment of President Trump will help the Democrats create a looming cloud around Trump’s re-election campaign. The President communicated with newly elected Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky about his concerns with previous Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s business in Ukraine. This call became a key tool for Nancy Pelosi to set forth the impeachment process, yet the exact timing appears odd. 

Last year, around mid-term elections when the Democrats needed key swing seats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear The House did not plan to pursue impeachment; yet when they took the majority of the House and she took her place as Speaker once again, plans seemed to change for the Democrats; the timing of the change in plans seeming odd. 

With the change in plans, Democrats focused on finding key evidence that they viewed as impeachable offenses; Pelosi even stated to the press she believed impeachment could only happen with hard evidence or they could pursue creating legislation instead that could place criminal charges on a sitting president. These comments clearly show how the Democrats struggled to exert power over the president after the Muller investigation failed to provide them what they expected to receive to impeach Trump. 

In the past week, the House held closed-door depositions which sparked great concern in the White House and among House Republicans in particular: they became so enraged with the secrecy of the depositions in the House impeachment inquiry that they stormed in on one of them. The secrecy of the depositions enrages Republicans because they do not know what direction Democrats plan to steer the inquiry.  The secrecy instills feelings of uncertainty and fear in Republicans, namely the fear of not knowing what will come from the inquiry. The fear of uncertainty places power in the hands of Democrats as they prepare to place a single candidate in the official race for office. 

Deposition after deposition, the Democrats only show their thirst for power over President Trump as he faces re-election in the following year. The impeachment inquiry only serves to create a war between the White House and the House; with the White House refusing to cooperate in any further matters of legislation with both the House and Congress holding private depositions, Washington D.C. now looks like a battleground for a massive power struggle. 


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