The price that comes with multiple beauty products remains highly expensive. Numerous people do not recognize that the prices of beauty products exponentially changed since their establishment. Companies distributing beauty items may rip off and take advantage of customers if they do not know the value of their cosmetics. (Valentina Gonzalez)
The price that comes with multiple beauty products remains highly expensive. Numerous people do not recognize that the prices of beauty products exponentially changed since their establishment. Companies distributing beauty items may rip off and take advantage of customers if they do not know the value of their cosmetics.

Valentina Gonzalez

The budget behind beauty

December 13, 2022

Beauty standards can alter and decrease people’s self-worth, values and morals, which leads to an increase in time, cost and revenue. The money spent when trying to feel beautiful continues to increase over the years. Those who cannot afford beauty products may feel self-conscious about their natural beauty when seeing influencers or their idols take a step into the world of cosmetics and enhancements.

The term beauty lies in the eye of the beholder: everyone perceives beauty differently. While numerous people could perceive this as true, beauty also depends on what societies consider beauty. For example, several people consider all body parts as beautiful, enhanced or not, while others consider altered bodies fake and unattractive.

Every form of beauty, other than natural beauty, costs a vast amount of money. Studies discovered 74% of women use skin care products and 67% use makeup. Even simply covering up natural imperfections like pimples, acne, discoloration and other blemishes can cost an average of $50 depending on the quality of the makeup and brands. Online buyers spend an average amount of $50 on makeup per month. The average American spends $322.88 each year on skin care products which roughly cost $26 a month.

Over time, those who do not need certain skincare products start to require them as a result of irritating their face with the use of harsh chemicals in makeup. The use of unnecessary items on the human body can cause harm. Specifically, unnecessary makeup can cause acne, aging, oiliness, dryness and other signs of imperfect skin to a naturally healthy face. After using makeup with harsh chemicals such as lead and parabens people may still seem dependent on makeup to cover up their now-damaged skin. Ultimately, the prices pile up on each other as an effect of trying unnecessary cosmetics. 

“I used to constantly buy makeup to cover up the little imperfections on my face. I usually found that skincare products didn’t work for me and makeup was easier and more dependent. Over time I started to become more and more obsessed with testing new products from different brands. I would say that I buy at least one new makeup product every month, and they will always remain a part of my daily routine,” sophomore Josie Barszcz said.

Makeup brands sell certain items for numerous reasons, and for specific areas of the face. Scientifically, women who feel anxious and insecure buy and wear makeup to cover up flaws and imperfections on their faces. While this remains true, another highly accurate reason people wear makeup comes from the influence of others.  

“There is no such thing as natural beauty. If I’m gonna have any looks at all, I’m gonna have to create them. People say I look so happy—and I say, ‘That’s the Botox’. My face pretty much maintains itself. I’m comfortable in my own skin, no matter how far it’s stretched,’” country artist Dolly Parton said.

Celebrities, influencers and social media stars constantly receive money for brand deals where they promote certain products. Usually, if a fan sees one of their favorite influencers endorse a product, they will consider buying from the brand or company that made that product. Unfortunately, the fans of these influencers do not realize their favorite celebrity does not pay the same price as them. Rather than buying the product as the average consumer would, these influencers receive the product for free and actually earn money from promoting it. Various celebrities even set a price for brands and companies when they ask to promote a product. 

“So many celebrities and influencers make a profit on these makeup lines to advertise beauty. When their fans and audience see them use the products, they will most likely buy and use them religiously. Multiple fans do not even comprehend that the influencer gains and income from these products. It goes without saying that makeup brands and beauty companies depend on celebrities or anyone who has a fanbase that will soon become their buyers and endorsers,” sophomore Jace Blalock said.

Now, with additional methods to promote ways to enhance beauty, prices constantly increase and products sell out. Multiple professions require their employees to simply post a picture with a product and reward them thousands of dollars. Instagram models can receive up to $100,000 for every picture, involving a brand, that they post.

The price of medication and surgeries stands as one of the negatives that come with them. Yet, buying treatments and medication remains a popular way to alter or enhance beauty. The medication that continues to improve flawed skin grants amazing results and excellent recommendations from buyers who do not mind the expensive price. Treatments that remove acne scars cost around $100 per session, which could pass the average customer’s price range. Those who cannot afford the expensive treatment for the surgery or enhancements they want must find alternate ways to feel comfortable with their natural imperfections.

People create and test out all-natural face masks and cleansers and recommend them to others while not knowing if their resulting product could work on others. Luckily, specialists like estheticians and dermatologists create pages on social media websites such as Youtube and Instagram and recommend methods and products, ranging in price, for all skin types. This helps those who impulsively follow the first routines, usually teenagers, they see by providing options that could help the way they feel about their body without needing to pay great amounts of money.

With consumers of beauty supplies and cosmetics increasingly discovering new resources for others to find cheaper and more suitable regimens and products, this leads various people to reconsider whether or not the expensive items remain truly worth it. Clearly, makeup remains extremely fun to apply and experiment with and frequently comes across as mandatory. Patients with doctors who recommend surgery for breathing or other nasal problems also tend to come across the option of receiving a nose job.

The budget behind beauty products and surgery becomes a problem for those who wish to possess them. While no problems exist with buying these cosmetic items and receiving surgery, a problem arises with the prices of procedures and materials. Those who constantly discover better and cheaper ways to enhance their beauty find themselves in luck while others must endure the expensive price of what they wish to enhance. 

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