Ugly biscuits, beautiful flavor

March 17, 2015

Arsheen Kour

What’s a biscuit without jelly or butter? All throughout the restaurant, one will find the essentials such as syrup, jelly, and butter. “I really like that jelly was free, unlike some other breakfast places,” says junior Jake Byrd.

Biscuits come in all shapes and sizes; patrons like plain biscuits, chicken biscuits, sausage biscuits— the list goes on and on. Kennesaw now serves as home to The Ugly Biscuit, a new breakfast-centered restaurant that rests in the heart of  downtown Kennesaw on Main Street.

Aside from the great food, The Ugly Biscuit’s low prices earns second visits from customers. Its prices beat chain restaurant prices such as waffle house or IHOP. “I got breakfast for myself and my family, and paid under fifteen bucks. That was definitely great,” says senior Sally Murtadhi.
Arsheen Kour
Aside from the great food, The Ugly Biscuit’s low prices earns second visits from customers. Its prices beat chain restaurant prices such as waffle house or IHOP. “I got breakfast for myself and my family, and paid under fifteen bucks. That was definitely great,” says senior Sally Murtadhi.

When one mentions the good ol’ south, several things pop into mind: southern hospitality, sweet tea, and biscuits. The Ugly Biscuit provides the perfect at-home feel, adding to the idea of southern hospitality. Upon walking in, we were greeted by the restaurant’s manager, who personally led us to the back of the restaurant where we could order our food to go. The friendly staff provides for a relaxed and upbeat atmosphere, which definitely earns a thumbs up from customers.

“The Ugly Biscuit definitely has quality service. When you walk in, they’re all smiles and they really make you feel at home,” sophomore Lilly Abrahim said.

While we pondered the menu, both the manager and a waiter kept friendly conversation. The simple act itself proved enough to get me to order more than I had already planned. For my meal, I ordered a chicken biscuit, with a side of turkey bacon and gravy. The meal itself was inexpensive and ensured that I did not need to worry about spending too much.

“I think The Ugly Biscuit is a cute southern restaurant and their biscuits are nicely proportioned. I only wish that I got jelly with my biscuit,” senior Alicia Bush said.

After paying for our food, Bush and I returned to North Cobb where we eagerly dug into our still-warm food. We were pleased to find the food was just as pleasant as their service. Though the actual biscuit remained slightly less flavorful than I expected, the chicken tasted near perfection. The meat proved tender and flavorful, helping combat the biscuit’s bland taste. The gravy sent my taste buds dancing. They reminded me of Grandma’s homemade gravy and tasted almost as good. The turkey bacon did not fall short of expectations either. Though the bacon should have a crispier crunch, the flavor remained spectacular. Each bite left me wanting more; needless to say, I found myself disheartened once the food exited the wrapping and entered my stomach.

Shown here is the infamous chicken biscuit and gravy duo, with a side of turkey bacon. Nothing says southern styled food like a meal from The Ugly Biscuit. Though the actual biscuit was slightly bland, the chicken bursted with flavor. “The food was delicious, I really enjoyed my time there, and I’ll definitely be back for more,” says Onyima.
Arsheen Kour
Shown here is the infamous chicken biscuit and gravy duo, with a side of turkey bacon. Nothing says southern styled food like a meal from The Ugly Biscuit. Though the actual biscuit was slightly bland, the chicken bursted with flavor. “The food was delicious, I really enjoyed my time there, and I’ll definitely be back for more,” says Onyima.

“The Ugly Biscuit is definitely going to become my breakfast spot. Its delicious, there’s no denying it,” junior Rebekah Roepke said.

Nothing beats quality food. Nothing beats southern food. Combine the two together and one gets The Ugly Biscuit. Right in the heart of Kennesaw, The Ugly Biscuit provides a wonderful breakfast spot that any southern heart can enjoy.

The Chant’s grade: B










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