North Cobb High School has a rich tradition in journalism through a variety of forms, and its face has changed over the past 44 years.
The Chant began as a print paper back in 1974 and won numerous accolades at the Columbia Scholastic Press Association in its print iteration.
The Chant moved to its digital newsmagazine format in 2012, available in archived format at Issuu’s webpage here.
In 2013, The Chant moved to a permanent newswebsite platform that updates daily, housed at nchschant.com. North Cobb was the first school in Cobb County with a completely digital online newspaper.
About North Cobb High School
Number of Students: 2935
Magnet School–International Studies Program (ISP)
Number of ISP Students: approximately 500
Number of Faculty Members: 233
The views expressed on this website are those of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of The Chant editorial team or any of its employees. While we try to ensure that the information we provide is correct, mistakes do occur and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our material. If you do notice any mistakes then please let us know, and we will investigate its legitimacy and make amends in the form of a retraction or re-editing material to retain accuracy.
The design of the digital newsmagazine and of the website are copyright of The Chant and material from the newspaper should not be reproduced without prior permission. Photographs have been sought under a Creative Commons license, and ownership (unless specified elsewhere) is that of the photograph’s original creator. Any complaints should be directed to the editor; contact us for details. Staff member profiles and contact information can be located under the “About” tab.
The Chant is not responsible for the content of any external Internet sites linked.
Your privacy will be protected at all times, and email addresses supplied to us will never be shared with a third party except in the case where impersonation is discovered and the truthful origin of the comment is needed. It is necessary to record this information to protect the site from Spam and occasionally to contact you, and it is therefore important that you supply a valid email address.
Comments Policy
All comments posted are the responsibility of the poster, and The Chant does not necessarily agree with or endorse any opinions expressed. However, we do maintain the right not to publish comments or to remove or edit them without notice. It is not our intention to impede freedom of speech however we have to ensure that the comments system is used for constructive and relevant discussion. The Chant makes no claim as to the validity of the claimed origin of the comment, however if impersonation is discovered, then the offending comment will be deleted.
Copyright and Creative Commons
All articles on this website (that have not been referenced as having been taken from an external source) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. If you wish to reproduce an article from either the online newsmagazine or the website, both the article’s author and The Chant must be referenced (to not do so, would be a violation of the contents license).
All articles, graphics, photos, art, columns, pages, reviews, and other material creatively conceived–with the exception of staff editorials, cut-outs, and editorial photos–will be bylined with the producer’s name. All bylined writers will be held accountable for their work. When more than one person has contributed creatively to a piece of work, any person who has contributed to the work must be bylined as a producer.
Corrections Policy
When corrections have been made to a story, it will be noted at the beginning of the story along with the date and time the correction was made. A list of all corrections made and dates made will be posted under the About tab.
Letters to the Editor
The newspaper staff welcomes letters from students, faculty, and community members as they give a constructive way for more people to express their opinions, criticisms, and reactions to school issues. The writer must sign the letter, and editors will make either personal or email contact before publishing to confirm that the name given is valid. If a letter has more than two people represented in the writing, there will be a main author credited with a byline for the supporters, but all must sign the letter before publishing with verifications. The letters must be 250 words or less, and can be edited for grammar and content if necessary by the staff as long as the changes do not affect the meaning of the letter. Each writer will be contacted to make sure of this before publication. Due to limitations of space, the staff cannot guarantee that all letters will be published, but the staff will do its best to cover all topics fully. The letters to the editors can be placed in Mrs. Zavala’s mailbox, Room 609, or they can be sent to [email protected].
Obituary and Reporting Death Policy
The Chant staff members are so sorry to hear of this great loss from one of their own. If the family or persons directly involved with the current or former student would like to write their own 300-word obituary, they are more than welcome to submit a 300-word or less obituary and include a portrait or profile picture to accompany the piece. The Chant reserves rights to make editorial decisions to cut, amend, or change for grammatical or clarity reasons. If they would like for us to write the obituary, please have them contact us here to arrange a phone or in-person interview in order to gain the information necessary to write a piece on this former North Cobb Warrior.
The Chant newspaper of North Cobb High School’s current obituary and sudden death policy:
In the case of the death or deaths of current or former students and/or staff, The Chant will cover the death with at least an obituary. The obituary will be journalistically written with an emphasis on the person’s life and, if timely, give details of the funeral service and/or contribution details. In addition, all stories/packages dealing with any form of death will contain information about death/grief counseling and/or resources. The death may be covered more extensively if the situation warrants as determined by the staff with the guidance of the adviser. As with all content in The Chant, the editor(s) will make the final decision about the extent of the coverage of the death. Information may be sent to [email protected].