The Blading Boy

Tara Anastasoff

The Blading Boy shows off his blades to all his fans.

Tara Anastasoff, Reporter, Photographer

NC houses creative and fun personalities in every corner of the school, including magnet freshman Joshua Slate, or better yet, Joshua Skate. While people generally walk, bike, or carpool to the bus stop, Slate partakes in an exciting way of transportation: rollerskating.

Slate first began skating at the age of nine; the idea of skating to the bus stop came to him when he learned how close he lived to the school, combined with the troubles of working parents unable to drive him everyday.

“I rollerskate to look silly, and secondly, I just really like going down hills,” Slate said.

NC’s favorite rollerskater reflects on his most memorable skating moments, which interlace themselves with many memories of falling on the sidewalk.

“I wore a superman cape once with a rainbow llama-type shirt while skating. One of my old friends saw me and had a very questionable look,” Slate said.

Most people laugh when they see him, and he always laughs with them. Making people smile and bringing them joy takes the top of the list for his goals in life.

“I just see this kid with red hair wearing llama shorts and roller skates one day. I didn’t know what to think when I saw him, but I thought he was unique and funny and now we’re best friends,” freshman Hunter Goldman said.

Slate’s further plans include riding a unicycle to school, as he finds that carrying one wheel and a seating fixture will be an easier task than lugging around two roller skates in his backpack.

“I will try to continue rollerblading into old age, or until my hip breaks,” Slate said.

Tara Anastasoff