How NC students spent Labor Day weekend
Georgia’s finest cosplay and fandom enthusiasts (a whopping 62,000 of them) flocked to Dragon Con in Atlanta.
September 4, 2014
Following the long, three day weekend in honor of the Labor Day holiday, students reminisce on their activities.
“I went to Dragoncon over the weekend. It was so awesome! I walked around the convention with my friends and we even met some famous celebrities. We are already planning to go back to Dragoncon next year,” junior Gabriel Tencket said.
Many other NC students attended the pop culture convention, hosted at various hotels in downtown Atlanta. Many other events occurred in the city last weekend, including college football games, major league baseball games, and a NASCAR race.
“For the majority of the weekend, I relaxed and did some homework. But, my parents had the day off on Monday, so we went to the Braves game. They played the Phillies and lost pretty badly, but I still had lots of fun with my family,” senior Jayla Jones said.
Although the city of Atlanta hosted many events for the Labor Day holiday, some students left town for a weekend getaway.
“I went camping with my family and a few friends. We went up to the Blue Ridge Mountains and did a bunch of fun things. Camping on Labor Day is a tradition for my family, and it didn’t disappoint this year,” sophomore Brooke Vecchio said.
Others traveled to visit family in a different state.
“My Dad’s side of the family lives in Alabama, so we went there for the weekend. I had a good time hanging out with my cousins and playing volleyball in my Grandma’s backyard. We don’t get to see them very often, so it was nice to have a little family reunion,” freshman Jen Hanson said.
Whether they spent the weekend getting some quality sleep or participating in an exciting event in the Atlanta area, NC students clearly enjoyed their extra day off.