NC students put their best foot forward in annual DECA competition
NC students set out to compete in the DECA regionals competition. They gained the opportunity to meet students from other high schools within the region and enhance their leadership and communications skills.
December 18, 2018
NC’s DECA members put on their business casual outfits as they braced for the annual regional competition at NorthStar church on December 11. Students began preparing for the event by attending after-school meetings in Mr. Dennard’s room.
The DECA club allows students to expand their leadership and entrepreneurial skills. The DECA competition consists of three essential parts. First, students take an exam to combine with the latter competition. Afterward, students attend the regionals event and begin planning for the upcoming role-play simulation.
“DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report, and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school,” DECA’s website said.
Members representing NC networked with students from other high schools within the region. The students also enjoyed catering by Zaxby’s and conversed amongst each other within their team.

DECA club members began preparing for the upcoming regionals event at the local NorthStar church. Students stayed after school to study for the competition and learn leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
“I thought it was enjoyable because it gave me the opportunity to talk to professional people. It works on my employability skills, I want to get ahead of the competition and I want to do well after high school and prepare for college. so I thought doing that would help me with those types of skills,” junior Illias Clark said.
Judges called students upstairs as they started planning for their role-play simulation. The students appeared before the judge and engaged in an interview which depended on their area of subject, such as entrepreneurship and hotel and lodging, with a ten-minute preparation time. The DECA competition helped members improve their communication skills and prepare them for real-life.
Mr. Dennard hopes for his students to place in this competition, increasing their chances of moving onto the state competition, which will take place in February.
“Ten North Cobb students competed against over 500 students from [other] high school[s]. Three North Cobb Students placed first, second and fourth in their competition areas and they will advance to the DECA State Competition in February in downtown Atlanta. Overall I’m pleased with our results. I would also like more DECA members to compete at Region and State” Sports and Entertainment Marketing teacher Richard Dennard said.
Members enjoyed the experience and memories made as they presented their ideas to judges selected from the community. The DECA clubs’ success in the recent competition, highlights their bright future at NC.