Homecoming week dress-up days dazzle in Disney theme

Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Seniors Amelia Seay, Giovani Velez, Madsion Luense, and Nikki Benarek, dressed up today as Cinderella, Prince Charming, and the evil step sisters. Prince Charming (Velez) said, “It’s good to go back to our childhood for a week.”

Chris Degirolamo, Special Coverage editor

Homecoming week highlighted many students around the campus showing off their school spirit by participating in the Disney-themed days from October 6 to October 10.

Monday, the first day of spirit week, students dressed up for “Monster’s University Day” and showed off their favorite collegiate school by wearing anything representing that college. Many showed up with University of Georgia clothing and even face paint.

Seniors Hannah Geil, Linda Rivera And Sophomore Clint Bacarra smile brightly for Minnie/Mickey Mouse spirit day. In unison they agreed and said, “this is the best homecoming theme.”
Tarleshia Jean-Pierre
Seniors Hannah Geil, Linda Rivera And Sophomore Clint Bacarra smile brightly for Minnie/Mickey Mouse spirit day. In unison they agreed and said, “this is the best homecoming theme.”

“I wore a UGA shirt and had black UGA stickers on my face. I matched with my best friend Sarah and we both agreed that it was fun getting to be in our favorite school spirit wear since we usually do North Cobb spirit days. I saw a lot of people participating in this homecoming event because I’m sure a lot of people have clothing that represents their favorite college,” senior Isabelle Martinez said.

Disney Twin Day took over Tuesday as students dressed up as their favorite Disney duos. Outfits varied from Woody and Jessie from Toy Story to the signature spotted dogs from 101 Dalmations. Creative costumes appeared everywhere and around every corner, making Tuesday one of the most participated themes of the week, if not the easiest to prepare for.

“I decided to dress up with my friend Sammie and we wanted to become Dalmatians from 101 Dalmatians. We went and bought tutus, white shirts, and socks then decided to paint black dots on them to make them look like spots. It was really fun coming up with an outfit to wear then showing it off during the school day,” senior Abby Miller said.

Warriors got fancy on Wednesday and wore their best looking outfit for GQ day. Stylish trends like bowties on young men and patterned skirts for ladies were modeled by numerous students. Others went above and beyond by wearing a tuxedo or a suit.

“It’s not everyday when we can wear something really fancy and not feel out of place, so I had a great time dressing up and looking nice with everyone. My friends and I decided to go all out and wear the nicest things we could find. In my opinion, we all looked great,” junior Myles Lake said.

North Cobb students strolled into the building on Thursday saying “aloha” to Hawaiian day. Participating students wore their best tropical gear to school. Because the week’s theme was still Disney, countless Lilos from Lilo and Stitch were spotted walking around with a hula skirt and a stuffed Stitch doll. Leis were popular with the girls, and most guys who participated wore a colorful Hawaiian shirt with flowers, trees, or ocean waves on them.

Wrapping up spirit week was Mickey and Minnie day where students who loved to show off their enthusiasm wore mice ears, made famous by Disney, around school with their friends. The ones who went above and beyond took it upon themselves to wear gloves and even talk like the character throughout the school day.

Decked out in university paraphernalia, students represent prospective colleges.
Tarleshia Jean Pierre
Decked out in university paraphernalia, students represent prospective colleges.