Behind the Scenes: Mrs. Parisay, an essential school resource

Mrs. Parisay discusses with Dr. Page an issue that has arisen.
November 7, 2014
As school secretary, Mrs. Parisay does much more than just “keep the school in order,” which most people will tell you is her unofficial position. With the love of her job driving her efficiency, she schedules Dr. Page’s appointments, organizes events, answers teachers’ questions at any hour of the school day, and also provides essential support to all employees, teachers and student body.
“I think that Mrs. Parisay remains instrumental when running things smoothly both with Dr. Page and the students of North Cobb. Clearly, she has the biggest responsibility ensuring everything goes as they should,” substitute teacher Mrs. Miltiades said.
Many teachers often use the phrase “I’ll just ask Mimi” on a daily basis because she is NC’s resident Jill-of-all-trades. Parisay used to hold a different position before becoming NC’s school secretary. Her first three years at NC saw her as an attendance clerk, which led to her current secretary job. Before her years at NC, Parisay worked at Harrison, but decided to make her move to a more opportunistic NC and experience something different.
“I heard good things about NC and knew I’d fit in here, and I’m happy here. I love what this school stands for in regards to family. It makes me feel at home,” Parisay said.
As a secretary, Parisay supports the details of NC’s principal Dr. Page’s decisions, but the majority of her tasks revolve around working the payroll for the employees, pitching in with office help and arranging substitutes for absent teachers.
“Each day will always be different, a reason why I love my job. I’m led to really wonder what kind of day I will make for myself, and I usually just go with the flow allowing the day and what it has in store to surprise me, and I work with that,” Parisay said.
Parisay, constantly faced with the responsibility of secretarial duties that our student body does not recognize, continues to make adjustments to the school to establish the best learning environment. Most students fail to recognize who operates all the little details that Parisay completes each day, all while remaining a modest and humble Warrior.
Thomas E Decker • Jun 2, 2021 at 5:04 PM
Mimi I have a great respect for you @all that you have have been able to accomplish new you were a little ball of energy but reading your bio makes me very proud to be able to call you my big sister takes I love you.
Thomas E Decker • Jun 6, 2022 at 10:24 AM
My big Sis not only keeps the school running at it’s top efficiency. runs a house an family.