NC hosts Georgia Public Broadcast series [photo essay]

Kat Shambaugh, Features editor

Starting in the spring semester of the 2014-2015 school year, NC became the host of the remake of Georgia Public Broadcasting’s Chemistry Matters television series. High school students and teachers from around the county act for the show, which takes place at NC. Shoot days are long and involved, but they always end with smiles and the yell of “That’s a wrap!”


Kat Shambaugh
The night before the shoot:

A couple of days before the shoot brings the call sheet, with important details on talent, educators, cinematographers, schedules, and call times.





Kat Shambaugh
Day of shoot, 9:00 AM:

NC junior and on-screen talent Josh Joines enters the school early in the morning. All tech arrives on the set as early as 8:30, but talent and educators arrive later.




Kat Shambaugh
9:15 AM:

On-screen talent receives their scripts and starts rehearsal. Most scripts, depending on the length of time GPB allows for the shoot, run roughly 35 pages long and littered with chemistry jargon and multiple experiments.




Kat Shambaugh
9:30 AM:

Once the director assigns the roles, they fit the students with a microphone that corresponds to their position. Microphones always prove a potential point for failure in the system, but necessary nonetheless.




Kat Shambaugh
Roughly 10:00 AM:

On a productive day, filming starts at 10AM. Students gather around a lab table, the crew puts teleprompters into place, sets up supplies and props, and, after a quick rehearsal of the first scene, the cameras roll. Filming one scene can last up to fifteen minutes depending on its contents. Each scene consists of rolling the cameras, slating the scene, running the scene, and then the loud yell of “Cut!” (Photo Courtesy of Addie Dobson)


Kat Shambaugh
10:45 AM:

Director of Photography Kevan Ward lines up his sights for the next scene. For the first half of the day, the cinematographers must work with the students to set up teleprompters in places for a natural look on camera. (Photo Courtesy of Addie Dobson)



Kat Shambaugh
11:30 AM:

Numerous tech members, including executive producers, audio managers, and teleprompter controllers work their magic behind the camera. While the actors on camera tend to steal the show, those behind the set stand equally as important.  (Photo Courtesy of Addie Dobson)


Kat Shambaugh
High Noon

After a long morning of shooting, GPB provides lunch for all talent and crew. Popular choices include Publix subs and Chik-fil-a wraps. Also available are chips, cookies, and other snacks. Lunch breaks usually run 30 to 60 minutes long.




Kat Shambaugh
1:00 PM:

Executive Producer Dave Drabik explains a scene as tapes roll again after lunch break. Drabik stands constantly involved in the shoot, leading the show and giving tips on how to improve performance. (Photo Courtesy of Addie Dobson)




Kat Shambaugh
3:30 PM:

As the day continues, the scenes on the slate change numerous times. When actors read through each scene, the crew sets a goal to keep the number of takes as low as possible. (Photo Courtesy of Addie Dobson)




Kat Shambaugh
5:45 PM:

Shooting ends for the day at 5:45, 45 minutes past the original wrap time. Because of technical difficulties or long experiments, shooting can sometimes wrap an hour later than expected. It is now that an actor starts to take account of the dull pain in their heels. Nevertheless, they know they will be back tomorrow to do it all over again.