Mango Tree Smoothies too creative for own good

Kat Shambaugh

Mango Tree Raw Juice + Smoothies display their sign in the shopping center outside of Legacy Park. The new location, which opened on September 14, serves healthy smoothies and juice as a part of the growing national trend.

Opening their doors on September 14, 2015 in the shopping center outside of Legacy Park, Mango Tree Raw Juice + Smoothies strives to provide the healthiest smoothies for the Kennesaw-Acworth area.

Kat Shambaugh
The menu, written on a blackboard, displays the day’s specials and choices for creating an original smoothie.

The shop itself appears unassuming, but full of color, immediately upon entering. The smell of fruit fills Mango Tree and customers choose from one of five special smoothies on the menu. Popular choices include the Kosmic Mango, with orange, mango, pineapple, and coconut, and the Blue Chi, which incorporates blueberries, a banana, almond butter, chia, and almond milk. The menu also allows patrons to mix and match juices, fruits, and other additives to create his or her own unique smoothie.

I purchased three smoothies: the previously mentioned Kosmic Mango, the Daydreamer (strawberry, banana, almond milk, cinnamon, and vanilla granola), and, as I craved creativity, a smoothie of my own. My concoction consisted of a base of orange juice and pineapple, mango, and peaches, with agave for sweetness.

The Kosmic Mango combined the flavors of popular summer fruits, with coconut thrown in to provide a beachy feel. The coconut, in shreds, gave the smoothie an interesting, but bothersome, texture.

The Daydreamer posessed the same texture problem, as the granola overwhelmed and made the drink taste more like oatmeal. Otherwise, the strawberry and banana mix proved delicious and the hint of cinnamon added a nice flair.

My own creation, though, stood as my favorite. My smoothie contained a mix of summer fruits from the Kosmic Mango and sweetness from the agave. Overall, it made me want to spend the day on the beach with my toes in the sand.

Kat Shambaugh
In order, the Kosmic Mango, the Daydreamer, and my own creation. Each smoothie brought its own pros and cons to the table, but overall, I was not significantly impressed.

Another downside to the new smoothie place: the price. 16 ounce smoothies sell for $5.99 each, which quickly adds up. More expensive than a Venti Starbucks frappuccino, I cannot see anyone buying their smoothies on a daily, or even weekly basis. Unless they find patrons willing to pay the big bucks, economic prosperity seems bleak.

While the smoothies at Mango Tree Raw Juice + Smoothies boast adequate tastes, their ridiculous price and unpronounceable ingredients make them unnecessary for anyone not completely entranced in the new health food trend.

The Chant’s grade: C