Schedule changes no more: Students reflect upon classes

Student schedules now solidified as final fall schedule changes die down.
August 21, 2014
With the day ten count past when schedule changes can occur for students, many reflect on the outcome of their schedule choices for the fall semester.
“My schedule is amazing. I was so happy to see that my core classes were evenly distributed and I got all of the electives I wanted. Usually, it doesn’t work out that way for me.” junior Jasmine Conaway said.

Junior Anabel Prince enthusiastically agrees that her schedule worked out perfectly this semester, with a balance of academics and challenging electives.
While some students at NC received all of the classes they chose, others were not as fortunate.
“I was unhappy when I got my schedule in homeroom because I had both of my AP’s in the first semester. I tried to get it changed, but they told me that all the spring classes were full already,” senior Connor White said.
Producing custom schedules for each of the 2935 students at NC proves to be a strenuous task for the entire counseling office, especially when each student wants certain classes during specific periods with the teachers of their choice.
“At first, I thought my schedule was going to turn out awful. I wanted to change some of my classes just because I didn’t know anybody in them. But, I have started to meet some new people and I enjoy my classes now,” sophomore Madison Stone said.
As the deadline to drop, add, or change classes passes, students must learn to love or at least tolerate their classes. Most will find that they enjoy the courses more than originally expected.