Lights of Life brighten the season
These iconic, colored trees catch the eye of anyone who either walks or drives by with lights that take the form of different animals such as a camel or a goat. “This display makes me feel like the song ‘Holly Jolly Christmas’ since Christmas trees make me incredibly happy,” Butler said.
December 11, 2018
Lights of Life, put together by students at Life University every holiday season, displays extravagant Christmas light decor across their campus. Every year, the university sets up over one million LED lights, making each year new and unique. The one and a half mile display of lights opened Thanksgiving Day and ends New Year’s Eve. The display opens at dark everyday and closes at 9 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and closes at 10 p.m on Friday and Saturday nights.
From Monday to Thursday, drivers pay only five dollars to explore the light show and from Friday to Sunday, the fee raises to ten dollars. Even a group of broke NC students could pile in a car and afford viewing this light display because of their cheap prices. Life University encourages families to drive through on weekdays to avoid traffic and busy crowds since the event pulls in people from all over the metro-Atlanta area.
Joining the event, Santa comes to the University every night so families can take pictures with him. In the main parking lot at the end of the light show, families can enjoy pony or train rides, and pet animals in the petting zoo on the weekends for added Christmas cheer.
These lights make anyone who loves Christmas spring to life. At Lights of Life, happy patrons share nothing but smiles, laughter, and music while enjoying the colors of Christmas. Grab a date or a group of friends, and head over to the Lights of Life for a magical time.