Annual NHS Social offers students a break
The social for NHS provided students their first community outreach opportunity. Magnet students Katie Word, Ilias Clark, and Maggie Glancy enjoy a conversation in the park after dropping off their donations for a local organization helping children who cannot afford school supplies. Like their peers, they hope to make the most out of their opportunity.
August 27, 2019
NHS members met at Swift Cantrell Park on the afternoon of August 22 for the National Honors Society (NHS) social. The annual NHS social provided students with a needed distraction from their busy schedules along with time to relax and enjoy a warm summer day. Students conversed with peers on their excitement for the upcoming year.
The club members turned in their school supply donations for Calvary Children’s Home, and by the end of the social, the donation box overflowed with new supplies. Essentials such as packs of pencils, pens, glue sticks, and journals will benefit the Calvary Children as they return to classes. The start of the NHS year kicked off successfully as students gave back to the community and enjoyed pizza and games.
The newly elected leaders for NHS showed excitement and handed out the club t-shirt to members. Co-Presidents, Magnet senior Valencia Ajeh and senior Ryan Getz wanted to ensure that NHS remains a fun activity for the students without added stress.
“I want the members to be involved in a lot of the community service activities because they desire to and enjoy what they’re doing. Ultimately their service is for the good of the community them comprehending what they do and they can share that with their friends hopefully seems fun,” said Valencia.
To grow outside of the classroom, students must learn and gain from their community service. The goal of helping make NHS members better community members aligns with the purpose of the club. Magnet senior Vice-President Rahel Kefetew wanted the seniors to take advantage of the opportunities the club would offer them.
“We wanted to make sure that everyone got a chance to bond since we will be working together a lot throughout the year. We really just want to get as many kids out and impacting their own communities and opening their eyes to different opportunities, ” Kefetew said.