Debuting as the magnet chemistry and astronomy teacher during the 2021-2022 school year, Mr. Weston Jessup took NC’s science world by storm. From sparking fires on the Bunsen Burner to exploding pumpkins, Jessup has turned his chemistry classroom into a haven for curious high school STEM-lovers.
“So far, NC has been my favorite place to work. Teaching the subject I love to brilliant students always brightens my day. I am so grateful that I can turn my classroom into a safe and engaging learning environment for every student I teach,” Jessup said.
Jessup, renowned for his humor, eccentric teaching style and refusing to say “we love you” in the magnet birthday song, forms treasured friendships with students and teachers alike. Along with his educational endeavors, Jessup also sponsors multiple clubs in his classroom. NC’s Chess Club and UGA Heros, among others, house their meetings in the comforting room of the esteemed science teacher. In addition to these clubs, Jessup hosts a new NC club: the Mr. Jessup Fan Club.
Fueled by adoration and friendship for the hilarious teacher, numerous students came together to form a union dedicated to their favorite teacher. The club, which meets every Friday afternoon at 3:40 in the wondrous 708 walls, entails a plethora of activities to showcase the students’ appreciation. From drawing posters filled with details of Jessup’s greatness to Kahoot games about his life, students of all grade levels attend the club to form a friendships with the esteemed educator. The students even organized a fundraiser to help Jessup purchase state-of-the-art chemistry equipment for his classroom.
“I am honored to have the first NC fan club in my name. Being able to see the impact I’ve had on my classes never fails to amaze me, and I thank the leaders of the club for dedicating their Friday afternoons to me. My favorite part is when they host student-led interviews where they ask questions about my life and try to get to know me better,” Jessup said.
Following graduation, the leadership board, comprised of all seniors who took Jessup’s class during his first year at NC, hopes to pass the club’s reins down to the lower grade levels. The legacy of the club intends to continue for as long as Jessup remains a Warrior teacher. Currently, club members advocate for other students who have taken a Jessup-taught class to join the club in aims to expand the club population. Overall, the adoration Jessup’s students have for him remains a notable and evident tale.
April Fools, you fool!
The Chant