The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The last hurrah: my final article dedicated to my favorite people in the school! 

Sarah J
The last hurrah: my final article dedicated to my favorite people in the school! 

After a year of diligent reporting, loud laughter, unproductive D lunches, potlucks and “harmless” jokes, our year has come to an end. As I conclude my fifth semester on The Chant, I can confidently say that this semester has been my favorite. Every goal we have set, we have accomplished. We are extremely productive yet we still create meaningful friendships and play various rounds of “siblings or dating.” This year has been so amazing and I am so proud of all of you!

As tradition follows, I will write a blurb about each of you, however, I hope you all know that there is no way I could ever explain how I feel in just a few sentences. Thank you for making my senior year so great. I love each one of you to the moon and back 15 times!

Newbies (the babies) who have made me SO proud

Jameson: From the first weeks of meeting you, I immediately noticed your ability to take constructive criticism and apply it immediately. Truly, with this skill, you can excel almost anywhere. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas and dedication this year. It is really a pleasure to even know you.

quality: your consistent drive to learn skills! 

Addie: ADDISON HILL. I think everyone in the classroom would agree that we would commit a few crimes to have half of the time-management skills that you do. As a dancer, writer, Christ-follower and scholar, you exemplify excellence and determination. Thank you for consistently putting in the work to make The Chant an astounding publication! Between this class, AP stats and APES, I have no idea what I would have done this year without you. Love you!

quality: your time management

Kenzie: I deeply admire your charismatic and intelligent persona, and I thank you for bringing this into our pub office. You always have a smile spread across your face, and never cease to spread it to others. I cannot believe you are only a sophomore because you have accomplished so much. I am so excited to see what else you accomplish in these next two years.

quality: how calm you are, even in the face of stress 

Rosalyn: You are the best-dressed person in the classroom. Your creativity shines through your outfits, articles and cover photos, and for that you make our pub office and website so much better. Love you, girl, thank you for being so cool!

quality: your inventive personality—which makes your articles come to life

Jazzy: You are the ONLY person in the class who has made me cry from laughing too hard, so it’s needless to say that you are one of the funniest people in the pub office. You have saved our entertainment page this year and brought fresh ideas to The Chant. Please continue as the beaming light that you are, and never let anyone dull it!  

quality:  you always know what to say that will excite the room

Nate: Nate! I cannot even begin to explain how much you shocked me and this year. I am so proud of all of your work as a leader, as a podcaster and as a writer. You undeniably have a talent for journalism, and I hope you pursue it every day. Everyone knows the pub office and the group chat would by no means be the same without you. 

p.s. Thank you for all your help “Mr. EIC,” since you’re the real one, obviously.

quality: how educated about EVERYTHING you are 

The four pillars who help me stand!

Mia: I am not sure if I have ever told you this, but you are the BEST editor in the room. Every article that comes through you is so clean. Thank you for making my job so much easier. I have enjoyed talking to you about life, high school, scholarships and college, and I hope that we keep in contact! 

quality: your strong editorial skills, especially with newbies!

Jacey: After all of the favors that you have done for me this year ( picking up tutoring shifts, editing my college essays and more) I feel that the least I can do is say this: thank you! I appreciate you more than you will ever know. Your presence is always so calming, your conversations are always so interesting ( which is why I am always eavesdropping) and your writing is always so amazing. Thank you for all that you have done for me this year! I love you 🙂

quality: your dedication to the people you love! 

Valentina: I hope you know that over the past four years, you have helped me in so many more ways than just giving me your press pass—although, that’s helped greatly…so thank you! Your articles, ideas and conversations have always brought me refreshment and clarity on days that I have felt stressed and overwhelmed. I have no doubts that you will excel in your page editor position next year. Congrats!

quality: your ability to work under pressure

Callie: Sweet little sister Callie, I cannot believe I have known you since I was a sophomore. We have watched each other grow as people, reporters and editors, and I cannot wait to see you lead next year as a copy editor! I have no doubts that you will excel in your senior year and beyond, and I hope you know I am always here for you. Thank you for your endless kindness, it has kept me going for these two and a half years!!

quality: your consistent kindness and radiating positivity no matter the situation 

The loud, bickering Dawgs!

Rose: Although you appear small(LOL), quiet and calm, you are actually one of the most exciting people to be around—yeah, the short part does not change. I am so glad that you and I have become closer this year because it is a privilege to be close with you! I hope you continue your excellence at UGA! Go Dawgs!

quality: how much you care about your community(racially, country, friendships)

Ivan: When I first met you, I truly did not think you and I would ever talk let alone be friends. However, all it took was one conversation in which you talked AT me for an entire lunch period about Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon to know that you and I would get along just fine. From reading to writing to eating(LOL) you are so passionate about everything you do. Good Luck at UGA, primo! Go Dawgs!

p.s. Can you believe I went the entire paragraph without making jokes about you being…well, never mind.

quality: your ability to perfectly articulate your stance on a topic threatening to our and other POC communities

Future EIC!

Ciara: Hi Miss. future EIC! From the minute I met you, I knew you would be someone great in here. Watching you these past two years in and out of the pub office, I feel confident that you will continue your strong leadership as the EIC. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished, and I am even prouder to call you my friend. Please text me at ANY TIME if you need ANY THING. I love you! 

quality: your endless kindness and empathy


Lauren: As you probably already know, you are undoubtedly my favorite woman on Earth. Being best friends with you for these past three years (woah) has been the greatest blessing. Thank you for keeping me grounded, and for always lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Although we are rivals now,(GO BLUE) I want you to know that I have confidence that you will succeed in everything you do, because I have seen you succeed in so much already. I LOVE YOU.

quality: your excellence across the board (friend, family member, student, etc.)

Best teacher in the school!


I don’t know if you recall, but I wrote you a birthday card when I was a sophomore that went something like this: “thank you for the unconditional support you give all of us!” I truly don’t think that any other sentence could capture who you are. Regardless of what we want to do, ( in our careers, college, newspaper) you always offer us your support(after you give us your motherly advice.) Obviously, this class could literally not function without you, but I hope you know that it would not be the class that it is without you, too! Thanks for being the constant that keeps us together!

quality: ability to offer unwavering support without (showing) any judgment!

Thank you all for a wonderful year, and for providing me with a second home! We use the term “family” frequently and in the process, we diminish its meaning. However, I truly see us as one dysfunctional, loud(SO LOUD,) productive, amazing family. I could not imagine this year without knowing all of you amazing people. Thank you! Please text me, call me or visit me whenever you need! I love you all!

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About the Contributor
Jasmina Buranich
Jasmina Buranich, Editor in Chief
Jasmina Buranich, a senior at NC, joined The Chant in 2022 to fulfill her passion for editing and learning about the writing techniques of others, sharing her opinions and research and networking with others. As she enters her last year on The Chant, she hopes to create meaningful memories with her fellow editors and reporters, meet new friends, highlight the successes of minority students at NC and continue publishing her research about the criminal justice system. When not writing, Buranich enjoys spending time with her friends, traveling with her family, volunteering in Cobb County and nationally, and helping her classmates with their academic assignments. After high school, Buranich hopes to attend a large university with a diverse student body and, hopefully, a student-led newspaper.

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