Slasher Girls & Monster Boys scare readers away


Allison Hahn

The reader’s confusion grows as the book progresses, disappointed in the book’s horror element.

Allison Hahn, Reporter

Penguin Random House released Slasher Girls & Monster Boys just in time for the fall season. Many authors contributed to make what they hoped horror fans would consider a classic. Unfortunately, this anthology missed that mark substantially. The book stood as an anticipated release, but instead of living up to high expectations, Slasher Girls & Monster Boys only provides disappointment.

The book started off strong, providing hope that the stories would slowly increase in quality. The only bearable stories appear near the beginning. The more I read, the more disappointed I became. Few stories evoked actual fear. In fact, many of the stories left me unable to comprehend what happened, due to their unmemorable content. If I cannot remember something I read a day ago, I easily deem the story unworthy of reading in the first place.

The second short story In the Forest Dark and Deep by Carrie Ryan stands as the only story prompting me to sleep with the lights on. Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, In the Forest Dark and Deep tells the tale of a young girl shown at the ages of seven and seventeen who encounters a white rabbit the size of a man. The story ends on a mysterious note, failing to inform readers if the young girl survived or not. Taking notes from iconic horror writers allows Ryan to produce the only successful scary story. Unfortunately, In the Forest Dark and Deep remains surrounded by letdowns masked as horror stories.

Readers will begin this book expecting frightening tales, but will instead feel disappointment beyond belief. Penguin Random House advertises Slasher Girls & Monster Boys in an excited manner, giving the book unrealistic expectations. Additionally, various sites inaccurately assure fans of American Horror Story and Neil Gaiman will enjoy this book. I advise any fans of horror to avoid this notion.

Like most books, Slasher Girls & Monster Boys contains a dedication at the beginning. As the anthology editor, April Genevieve Tucholke obtained the right to draft the dedication as well. Tucholke dedicates the book to readers by writing, “For everyone who read Stephen King when they were way too young.” King should feel insulted.

The Chant’s Grade: D