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The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant


Awards and Accolades

The 2014-2015 school year marked its beginning into an ongoing timely news website, which content reflects the diverse and outstanding populations of our high school.

The 2018-2019 school year marks year five of such a website.

ASNE Reynolds High School Journalism 

Adviser Mrs. Theaker received the ASNE Reynolds High School Journalism fellowship for summer 2014 at the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.

Managing editor for the 2014-2015 school year Adam Kovel became an ASNE Youth Journalism Initiative student advisory board member.

Features editor for the 2015-2016 school year Kat Shambaugh became an ASNE Youth Journalism Initiative student advisory board member.

Columbia Scholastic Press Association

2014-2015 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Digital News Critique Gold Medalist and All-Columbian honors in verbal and visual.

2014-2015 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Digital Crown finalist.

2015 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Digital Crown winner.

2015-2016 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Digital News Critique Gold Medalist.

2016-2017 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Digital News Critique Gold Medalist.

National Scholastic Press Association

2014-2015 National Scholastic Press Association Online Pacemaker finalist.

2014-2015 National Scholastic Press Association Online Pacemaker winner.

2015-2016 National Scholastic Press Association Online All-American honor rating winner with areas of distinction in coverage/content, design/navigation, and interactivity/community.

2016-2017 National Scholastic Press Association Online All-American honor rating winner  with areas of distinction in coverage/content, design/navigation, and interactivity/community.

Georgia Scholastic Press Association

2015 GSPA Awards include:

The Chant received Superior rating in 2015 and Excellent rating at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association in 2012 and 2013, and 2013-2014 editor-in-chief Emily Jones made it to the finals at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association for competition as Journalist of the Year. In 2015, Managing editor Adam Kovel was nominated for Junior Champion Journalist of the Year.

2015 Adviser of the Year, Lindsay Theaker

2015 Perseverance Award winner, The Chant

The Chant received Best Design at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association 2014-2015 on site competition at their fall conference.

The Chant received Best News at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association 2015-2016 on site competition at their fall conference.

2015 All-Georgia winner, Photo Essay, Alicia Bush, “The long journey home: a magnet bus ride exclusive”

2015 Superior winner, Photo Essay, Judy Stubblefield, “Annual Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Captures Young Competitive Readers’ Spirits”

2015 Superior winner, Illustration, Sophia Mackey, “If social media sites were people”

2015 Superior winner, Photo Illustration, Morgan White, “Freak Show”

2015 All-Georgia winner, Sports Game Coverage, Tyler Sesan, “They came, they played, they conquered”

2015 Superior winner, Critical Review, Alicia Bush, “Black-ish serves up hilarious take on the sitcom Modern Family”

2015 Superior winner, Feature Profile, Cameron Hines, “Kevin Graham: The most interesting man (child) at North Cobb”

2016 Awards for GSPA include:

The Chant took home Best News Coverage for the first issue competition at the Fall Conference in Fall 2015.

Junior Bethel Mamo for Superior Photo Essay

Senior Fatima Elfakahany for Superior Feature Photograph and Superior News Photograph

Junior Nadia Butt for Superior Infographic

Sophomore Nadya Awino for Superior Sports Photograph

Junior Kat Shambaugh for All Georgia Commentary and Superior News Story

Senior Riley O’Neill for All Georgia Editorial Cartoon

Senior Adam Kovel for Superior New Story

Shared award for Elfakahany and Shambaugh for Superior Opposing Viewpoints Column

2017 GSPA Awards include:

The Chant took home awards for Best Overall News Website and Best News Coverage at the Fall Conference in Fall 2016.

The Chant received an overall Superior rating.

In addition, they received the 2016-17 General Excellence News Website award for large school population news website and 11 individual awards, two of which were All-Georgia.

Josh Joines, Superior Sports News Story

Sam Smith, All-Georgia Sports Game Coverage

Esteban Alarcon, Superior News Photograph

Harrison Glaze, Superior Illustration

Michael Smith, Superior Sports News Story

Dylan Kellos and Sam Smith, Superior Opposing Viewpoints Column

Tara Anastasoff, Superior Photo Essay

Bahaar Esfahani, Superior Caption Writing

Kat Shambaugh, All-Georgia Sports Photograph

Rebecca Cantrell, Superior Critical Review

Andrew Gasparini, Superior Headline Writing

2018 GSPA awards include:

The Chant received General Excellence Superior, large size school

Superior News Story, Nadya Awino, “Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior”

Superior In-Depth News Story, Erin Grier, “Ready for the Road? Teens rush for driver’s licenses, permits”

Superior Opposing Viewpoints, Isabella Keaton and Morgan Brown, “Coffee: Cup O’Death or Delicious Social Enricher?”

Superior Sports Games, Turner Markwalter, “Warriors squeak out win in overtime against Pebblebrook”

Superior Caption Writing, Morgan Brown, “Model UN takes on GA Tech”

Superior News Photo, Natalia Alvarez, “Chalk art contest showcases high school artistry”

Superior Photo Essay, Joshua Dawson, “Sights and safaris in South Africa”

Superior Infographic, Erin Grier, “Ready for the Road? Teens rush for driver’s licenses, permits”

Best of Student Newspapers Online

Best of Student Newspapers Online (Best of SNO) republished junior Sarah Sutley, “The barista, the customer, and Starbucks: Far beyond a simple cup of coffee” (12/17/14)

Best of Student Newspapers Online (Best of SNO) republished senior Sophia Mackey, “Not just white noise: Soundtracks and scores that elevate film” (12/15/14)

Best of Student Newspapers Online (Best of SNO) republished senior Kayley Rapp, “50k words, 30 days, utter exhaustion” (12/10/14)

Best of Student Newspapers Online (Best of SNO) republished senior Alicia Bush, “The long journey home: a Magnet bus ride exclusive” (12/4/15)

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