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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Coming back from the weekend, students arrived in the computer lab early in the morning, prepared to take their English EOC. All English EOCs take place during either first, third or fourth period, and students receive up to 90 minutes of time to complete their test. The end of course tests measure the student’s knowledge of everything they learned during the semester and usually accounts for a major portion of their grade.

Let the EOC testing begin

Michelle Lin, Reporter, Photographer
April 29, 2019
Seniors take their Economics EOC on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Starting next week, they will take the second half of their course and prepare for the Government EOC in May. “I feel very prepared for this EOC since I know all of the material, and I feel like I am going to do great,” senior James Craig said.

Waving goodbye to Econ and hello to Gov!

Haley Kish, Reporter, Photographer
March 20, 2019
End of Course Testing for math began on Monday, December 3. Students sharpen their pencils, put new batteries in their calculators, and fuel their brains as they prepare for the test day. “I’m nervous for this EOC, but I know my teacher prepared me and I studied a lot, ate a good breakfast, and got some sleep. I think I over prepared, but I know that this EOC is going to help not hurt me,” sophomore Prapti Tanti said.

Add, subtract, and multiply…

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
December 3, 2018
Beginning the season of advanced placement (AP) testing, students partake in the AP psychology test today in hopes of receiving college credit for their hard work. Psychology teachers, William Hargis and Melonie Shelnutt, help guide their students to prepare for this end of the year exam. On Tuesday May 7, students will either take the AP Spanish language, algebra-based physics, or art history exam.

‘Tis the season…

Isabella Keaton, Photographer, Reporter
May 7, 2018
Due to snow and ice on roads, Cobb County schools closed on January 17, 18, and 19. This five day weekend worried students receiving their snow day homework for all three days missed. Students stayed up late Sunday night preparing for class and even spent lunch time finishing assignments. “I missed a lot of class time for my fast-paced AP class, and I was assigned a lot of homework. I ended up pretty busy over the break, and spent hours on Sunday catching up,” junior Hope Kutche said.

Testing… testing… 123

Isabella Keaton, Photographer, Reporter
January 22, 2018
Magnet seniors took their End of Course Testing (EOC) for Macroeconomics this morning. Making up 20% of their class’s weight, students bank on a good score to boost or maintain a high grade. “It was a lot easier than material we have learned in class, and I hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as it did today,” senior Michael Vollbracht said.

NC takes on the EOC

March 21, 2017
With only two days left in the semester, NC students are ready to finish the year strong and ace their upcoming finals. After long study sessions and homework parties, students ooze happiness knowing they can soon breathe a sigh of relief.

SLO down

December 19, 2016
NC turns into a testing haven as underclassmen take the PSAT from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students came to school in pajamas ready to face the long test — or for those not taking the test, a long homeroom — that took up most of first and second period.

PSAT takes over NC

October 19, 2016
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