Kelsey Davis astounds with supreme leadership and lofty plans

Davis has spoken at multiple conferences about leadership in the community.

Alicia Bush, Editor-in-Chief

Warriors make it happen. Warriors pummel other athletic teams, regardless of location. Warriors exceed expectations on tests and earn scholastic recognition. Warriors frequently engage in services to improve community relations. Senior Kelsey Davis, one of NC’s most involved students, demonstrates all of these various characteristics. Pairing leadership and service, humility and confidence, Davis represents the complexity and dignity of living the “Warrior Way.”

“To start off, she has a passion for learning. She always does her best to get her name out with her videos, speaking, or leadership,” senior Michael Thomas said.

Throughout high school, Davis participates in several activities and development programs, all while maintaining honor student status. She served as class president twice, interned at a radio station and law firm, created a leadership program titled “Next Up,” a film productions company titled “Transcend Films,” worked at Sky Zone trampoline park, earned a job at the YMCA, and currently serves as executive producer for Tomahawk Today.  While several teens partake in community service to build an impressive resume, Davis does so to build character. As a 17-year resident of Kennesaw, she extends a helping hand towards the community that helped raise her.

Senior Kelsey Davis, executive producer of Tomahawk Today, displays her charisma and camera-ready personality before show time.

Davis’ self-proclaimed responsibility includes developing youth into future leaders, which explains her leadership program for intermediate students. With the YMCA’s assistance, she created a curriculum and recruited high school volunteers to fulfill the educational duties.

“My life on this earth would be pointless if I didn’t leave it better than I found it,” Davis said. “So my goal is to set a good foundation and create better resources for those coming behind me. That is where the youth development program ‘Next Up’ came into place.”

In regards to community service and youth development, Kelsey credits the YMCA for the powerful relationships and networking opportunities she gained through the organization.

Senior Director of the Northwest YMCA, Amy Grames, stands as Davis’ mentor and daily inspiration. According to Davis, Grames’ influence and success encourages others to thrive. She also played an integral role in creating “Next Up,” as she offered to sponsor it through the YMCA.

“She’s like a second mom to me and she is without a doubt my inspiration. If I could find a way to become half the person she is one day, I’ll be satisfied with my life,” Davis admitted.

Before her involvement in community service and videography, Davis played Varsity basketball for NC. Ever since 7th grade, colleges have bombarded her with letters of interest, but she always declines. Basketball remains her hobby, not her calling. She also dabbles in the music world. Her father, a former radio DJ, and her mother, an established violinist, awakened her interest. The lack of Audio Production classes at NC prompted her to take Video Production, and she immediately fell in love.

“My father and stepmother both work for CNN. My father is the vice president of sales at CNN (25 years) and my stepmother is the Director of Programming for CNN Digital (15 Years), so I was literally raised in media. CNN is engraved in my DNA; from waking up every Sunday morning to watch ‘CNN Newsroom’ to begging my father to go to work with him every chance I get,” Davis said.

During her alone time, she balances the spiritual and physical realms of her life through exercise and devotion. If she skips these activities, people notice the difference.

“Because I have such a crazy life, I have to make sure I stay on track spiritually. If I’m not in my Word one day, I know it, two days my friends know it, three, and the world does. And I love to exercise. I think it definitely helps me clear my head of any distractions or problems that I have going on in my life,” Davis said.

Davis’s dedication to self-improvement and community service assures her success in changing the world and accomplishing her numerous goals.

To see Davis’s plans for Next Up, visit her YMCA page here.