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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer/Videographer

Kimani Kinyanjui, a sophomore at NCHS, is a hard working, dedicated student. He enjoys travelling and watching movies and TV shows, especially Blackish and America’s Got Talent. He also enjoys photography and recording videos. When he’s not doing homework, you’ll find him at the basketball court shooting baskets. However, even though his absolute true passion is basketball, he would like to go into broadcasting when he grows up.

Kimani likes to challenge himself academically. His favorite subject is Math, with Social Studies close behind. He also likes writing, otherwise he wouldn’t be on the Chant in the first place.

As the son of Kenyan immigrants, Kimani has visited Kenya 4 times; in 2003, 2010, 2015, and this past summer in 2018. Since most of his family members live in Kenya, he gets the opportunity to visit them and catch up on things.

If you could ask Kimani to describe himself with one word, he would say “Curious”. His favorite food is pizza, and his favorite drinks are lemonade and Mountain Dew. When it comes to music, he prefers hip-hop and R&B. He hates cold weather and waiting in long lines. He also likes making people laugh.

Kimani lives with four other people: his two younger brothers, his mom Mary, and his dad SK. He loves his family, and he’s pretty sure his family loves him back. He has no pets, but if he did, he’d want a golden retriever.


All content by Kimani Kinyanjui
Marking the second day of Red Ribbon Week, students arrived to school decked out in their red clothing. Sophomores Naoshin Kaiser and Drew Dodd struck a fun pose in their red Vans. The rest of the dress up days for this week include Crazy Hair Day, Twin Day, and Sports/Career Day.

Seeing red

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer
October 30, 2018
Hundreds of students in NC sat down today to take the PSAT/NMSQT test on Wednesday, October 3. NC sophomores registered for the test free of charge. However, freshmen who wanted to take the PSAT/NMSQT needed to pay an $18 fee. While also receiving practice for the SAT, students who score well enough on the PSAT may receive the National Merit Scholarship (NMSQT).

It’s PSAT time!

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer
October 10, 2018
Today marked the second dress-up day of Homecoming week: Meme Fay. Students and teachers filled the halls dressed as today’s most popular memes. AP Lang and Honors American Lit teacher Lindsay Theaker dressed up as Dark Kermit from the movie Muppets Most Wanted.

Memes takeover NC

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer, Videographer
October 2, 2018
Exhibiting the "We're going to Hollywood" theme, NC's TC created an ingenious spin on the world famous Hollywood sign to motivate and inspire NC students participating in HoCo traditions.

Pack your bags; we’re going to Hollywood

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer, Reporter
September 27, 2018
Coach Williams wore a special USA baseball jersey today in remembrance of the innocent people who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Governor Nathan Deal ordered all flags to fly at half-staff and for all Georgians to join in a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., the time the first plane flew into the World Trade Center.

Forever in our thoughts

Kimani Kinyanjui, Videographer
September 11, 2018
Knode instructs his Level 1 students on the basic functions of a camera. “I was a trainer at CNN for most of our projects, so [educating] was an actual fit for me looking into it,” Knode said.

From the big screen to the classroom

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer, Reporter
September 14, 2018
In order to raise money to defray the costs of attendance at competitions, SkillsUSA members sell lollipops during the school day, in their classrooms, the hallway, the cafeteria. “[The funds] go to support SkillsUSA,”  NC Drafting and Design teacher and SkillsUSA advisor Michael Barcarse said. If a lollipop is what is needed to fight that afternoon slump, find a SkillsUSA member or head on over to room 804.

SkillsUSA sells sweet treats

Kimani Kinyanjui, Photographer/ Videographer
August 28, 2018
For this year’s parking spots, students must pick up their parking passes in between classes. Students could purchase parking spots before school began, but only a few passes remain. “There are about 20 to 22 passes left,” bookkeeper Ms. Turner said. If you still plan on obtaining a parking spot, head to Admin 1 quick!

Need a parking pass?

Kimani Kinyanjui, Videographer
August 14, 2018
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