Touring the peach
Their positions near the top of the list of schools applied to by NC students make UGA and UNG ideal places for students to visit during their time on the Peach Tour. “We chose North Georgia and UGA because they’re close in [the] vicinity and we can get there with no problems. We have a great ROTC program here. North Georgia has an ROTC program that students always look at, and UGA is one of the top schools that students tend to apply to. The students that are interested can see the nature of both [schools],” Aldridge said.
March 29, 2019
An estimated 40 students will visit the University of Georgia and the University of North Georgia on NC’s North Georgia Peach Tour on Tuesday, April 16. The tour, spearheaded by NC’s counselor Leza Aldridge, will allow students to explore the campuses of two popular schools among NC college applicants. For those who attend, the Peach Tour opens up a world of possibilities and questions concerning where to continue their education upon graduating.
“We get a lot of students who are interested in schools like UGA but haven’t started the process of what it takes to get into them. With the Peach Tour, you have the opportunity to compare what you’re interested in and what you’re looking for. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to apply right away. It’s exposure to college at this point,” Aldridge said.
As one of NC’s only college tours that allows freshman attendance, the Peach Tour offers a unique opportunity for high school rookies to begin weighing their options before it becomes a necessary task their senior year.
“I wanted [to include] ninth graders because, for me, exposure is important in the college process. It’s important to start thinking about it early on. Sometimes, you don’t start thinking about it until your senior year and you’re like, ‘What do I need? What do I have to look for? What are they looking for?’ I feel like this helps you start that process right now. What are the admissions requirements? What are some of the test score requirements? Do they look for letters of recommendation?” Aldridge said.
In addition to the obvious things like location, majors offered, and financial aid opportunities, students applying to colleges should take their personal needs and wants into account, such as clubs that cater to their interests as well as other aspects of campus life. Students can get a taste of life after high school on the Peach Tour.
“Hopefully, coming away from it you can say, ‘Maybe I’ve got to get serious about my grades,’ or ‘Maybe I want to go to a smaller school or maybe I want to be closer to home.’ It’s totally up to you. It’s your choice when it comes to college, but I want students to make an educated decision. I have had students realize, ‘I can see myself here. I really want to go to this school.’ I want them to gain some information for themselves and about who they are,” Aldridge said.
The North Georgia Peach Tour, open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors only, will last the entirety of the school day. Students should plan ahead, making sure to complete all assignments and ask for any makeup work in advance. Students in attendance will tour each campus and enjoy a lunch at a college dining hall; an experience priced at $50. Those interested may find Peach Tour applications in the counseling office. Application collection will end next Friday, March 29.