NHS members hit a homerun with special needs children
Special needs children participated in the Horizon League baseball games with the help of their community. Smiles and laughter filled the atmosphere as players worked together as a team and cheered one another on to make it to the final base. While one team took turns to bat, the other team patiently waited on the field until their next turn. The players and volunteers continued to stay active as they threw the ball with one another, and coaches and volunteers encouraged each player until the final minutes of the game.
September 17, 2019
Throughout the month of September, members of the National Honor Society (NHS) participated in community service by helping out at several Acworth Horizon League baseball games. The baseball games took place in Kennworth Park and the stands filled up with supportive friends and family members of the players.
The Horizon League provides athletic events for children with developmental and physical disabilities. The League allows these children to develop relationships with their teammates and build up self-confidence through encouragement from their community. Unlike other athletic programs, the Horizon League baseball games do not keep score and the rules differ from regular baseball rules: players do not strike out nor do they tag out the opponent’s team. Instead, the teams focus on teamwork, collaboration, and leadership, working together as a team, and supporting one another.
Before the beginning of each game, a baseball player partnered with an NHS member. The NHS member provided moral support for the child and encouraged them every step of the way. The players alternated positions with the other team: one team played the position as the batter, while the others positioned themselves throughout the field. The players lined up and eagerly waited for their turn to hit the ball. As they hit the ball, the player and their partner ran to the next base until they finally reached home plate. Friends and family members cheered them on as they scored a run.
NHS members bonded with each player personally, sharing in a memorable experience. The Horizon League provided an atmosphere filled with positive energy and encouragement. The parents, volunteers, and coaches all played an important role in the festivities, as they focused on making every player feel involved and part of the team.
“Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces truly warmed my heart. I’m so grateful to have been part of such a heartening event,” senior NHS member Pilar Baca said.
As the game came to an end, the players from both teams lined up and shook hands with one another and left the field with smiles on their faces, favorite game-day snacks in hand. Each player left the game feeling like a winner regardless of the score.