Alicia Asks: Who might win senior superlatives?

Kat Shambaugh

Seniors Akilah Alwan, Molly Cooper, Billy Nichols, and Michael Thomas discuss their possibilities for being chosen as senior superlative winners.

Alicia Bush, Editor in Chief

Disclaimer: For clarification, this article is NOT to influence votes or advertise for the mentioned students. After surveying a group of seniors about senior superlative nominations, they led me to these few names. Also, the yearbook organization is not connected to this article and did not disclose any information concerning the nominations.

Throughout the four lengthy years of high school, classmates create numerous lasting memories to fill the yearbook pages. In every memory, a few students stand contributing to the grandeur of each moment, but in reality, only one can win the senior superlative.

Here at NC, the yearbook staff posted a link to jumpstart the nomination process, and seniors are determining which peers prove worthy for the titles.

According to the grapevine and a “birdie or two,” senior Michael Thomas might win “Most Talented Boy” due to his crafty hands. Thomas enters art contests and wins awards each time. He gets commissioned to draw portraits and caricatures and was selected to attend the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program for Art this past summer.

“I nominated Michael because of his art talent. He constantly wins art awards, and he went to GHP for art. I’ve always admired his art and creativity,” senior Phoebe Graham said.

Matching his Instagram likes to his nominations, senior Billy Nichols may earn the “Most Photogenic Boy” title. Although most assume his “good looks” earned him these possible nominations, a source confirmed a distinctive feature that contributes to his photogenic abilities: “It’s the beard,” senior Molly Cooper said.

Speaking of Cooper, she stands as a potential “Most Spirited Girl” winner. Not only does she wear orange and blue facepaint under the Friday night lights, she also sported a broken tooth after a bullhorn hit her during a game. Most people would have evacuated immediately, but she stayed the entire time to support the football team.

Newsie buddies Jordan Grubb and Carli Troutman duel with fellow newspaper pals Chris DeGirolamo and Tyler Sesan for the “Best Buds” title. DeGirolamo and Sesan’s friendship stands eight years strong and has endured lacrosse practices, newspaper escapades, and volleyball managing. Grubb and Troutman became friends during freshman year and have remained inseparable since then. Their parking spots are directly across from each other, and they enjoy best friend luncheons and photo fun on weekends.

Kat Shambaugh
Seniors Jordan Grubb, Carli Troutman, Tyler Sesan, and Chris DeGirolamo vie for a possible win.

Regardless of whether these students win a senior superlative, each one has greatly impacted the class of 2015’s experiences at NC.