Zavala joins Atlanta division of Dance Moms
Rebecca Zavala and her daughter Zoë know the world of dancing well, as from an early age, Zoë showed great potential. “Zoë has always been a dancer. Even before she could walk, she danced, and she hasn’t stopped since then. Being on Dance Moms is finally her chance to shine,” Zavala said.
March 31, 2020
Longtime NC teacher Rebecca Zavala and her daughter Zoë recently received long-awaited news amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. The mother-daughter duo learned of their acceptance to Dance Moms: Atlanta late Sunday evening and spent the following days preparing for the season, which will become the first one located in Atlanta.
“I’m so honored to be chosen for such a great opportunity. Zoë and I have been waiting for a chance to showcase her skills since she began dancing at a local studio, and since we’re such huge fans of the show, we decided to apply. It’s only taken them three years to answer, and we hope the anticipation will be worth it,” Zavala said.
The reality television show Dance Moms follows a team of young dancers and their mothers as they compete at competitions. Conflict between the duos became a primary focus of the show several seasons ago, but Zavala reassured students and friends that she would not do anything to dishonor the name of NC.
“I just want Zoë to become the best dancer she can. I don’t plan to make trouble with anyone else unless they’re threatening my daughter’s potential. Zoë and I are sure she will quickly rise to the top of the group, so there’s no need to argue about it with anyone. We’ll let her dancing do the talking,” Zavala said.
Filming for the season begins in August, but until then Zoë will continue dancing in her regular studio. She and Zavala already began their preparations, however, including watching all eight seasons of the original show and its 10 specials, a feat that took them nearly a week with no breaks. However, Zavala saw this epic marathon as worthwhile, and claims to have noticed a pattern to which dancers followed to succeed in the show. She declined to reveal what she learned.
Zoë Zavala expressed nervousness about the upcoming competitions, but excitement for the experience overall. With her mother by her side, she feels prepared to tackle any obstacles that come.
“I can’t wait to start dancing on the team and show them what I’ve got. I hope I can learn tons and become a better dancer because of this chance I have,” future NC Warrior Zoë Zavala said.
April Fool’s, you fool!
The Chant