NC’s Standing Ovation hosts a series of one act performances
Instead of having a spring musical the Standing Ovation formed three one-act shows. Shows named Rest In Peace, 100 Dresses, and Twitch make up the different shows performed on May 18th, 19th, and 21st. For seniors this will resemble the last shows they will perform. Even though they will act one last time together, their friendships will build and never go back down.
May 14, 2021
Typically, the theater department performs a spring musical full of complex dance numbers and upbeat songs. However, the harsh realities of COVID-19 made this impossible for the 2020-21 school year. Instead of preparing a musical, NC’s thespians formed two face-to-face and one online show excluding elements such as singing. All three of the one-act performances will last slightly under an hour. After a year of social distancing and limited participation in theater, the NC’s cast and crew remains ecstatic to perform each show for a live audience.
“After a long year of not being able to be on stage, I am so excited to perform one last time. Each show is hilarious and I can’t wait to show off the talent and hardwork of our cast and crew members,” senior Emma Tonge said.
NC’s first show, Rest In Peace, a comedy written by Pat Cook begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 18th. The show details a hospital stay experienced by Horace Wilmerding. From ghosts to grief, the show will have audience members on the edge of their seats. While the typical spring show includes 40-60 cast members, this show highlights the talent of only seven different individuals.
NC’s second show will stream online Wednesday, May 19th. The virtual show gifted online students with the ability to perform from the comfort of their own homes. NC will offer free tickets to claim a seat on the AnywhereSeat website. The virtual show named 100 Dresses by Eleanor Estes takes place in a classroom setting while depicting the daily struggles faced by a polish immigrant.
Spectators can watch the third and final show in NC’s one-act series, Twitch by Stephen Gregg, on May, 21st at 7 p.m. The comedic show illustrates the ironic meeting of two couples. The audience will love the strange dynamic as one of the couples super-natural tendencies unveils. For the four graduating seniors, Twitch resembles their last performance. After four years of creating memories and unbreakable friendships, the performance will evoke bitter-sweet feelings for all involved.
“I am so excited and emotional as I prepare to perform for my last time on North Cobb’s stage. After 11 shows with my best friends it will be sad to say goodbye,” Twitch lead actress, Tonge said.
To prioritize the health and safety of performers and audience members alike ushers will enforce a mask mandate and social distancing guidelines. Doors for each 7:00 p.m. performance will open thirty minutes priorand NC Standing Ovation director will sell only 100 tickets at $5 each. All three shows will entertain, celebrate, and congratulate the seniors with their last shows of the school year. All of the connections and friendships made in theater will strengthen, and never die down.