Hard knock life: discrimination from adoption agencies

National Today

Multiracial, multicultural and gender varying families begin to normalize within society. As LGBTQIA+ couples begin to build families, adoption can serve as a viable option. However, several adoption agencies use a foundation of religion to discriminate against these couples. Legislators now work to pass legislation banning this discrimination to allow LGBTQIA+ couples to successfully build their families.

Jemiah Clemons, Opinions Editor

From birth, children need someone to love and take care of them. 14.2 million babies leave the hospital with their families after birth, but for other children, their future remains a mystery. Over 60 million orphans in the U.S. and 153 million worldwide yearn for a family. LGBTQ+ couples across the U.S. dream of giving a child a home and loving family, but certain state governments prevent them from realizing that dream. In the U.S., the states of Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Michigan and Virginia permit their adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples. This means that children will remain without a family and people to love them. Not allowing eligible couples to adopt a child because of their sexual orientation will harm the children in the long run. 

 In 2018, Congress passed a bill the LGBTQ+ community calls a “slate of hate”: the law allows agencies to deny couples because of the state’s religious beliefs, but those agencies do not see how those couples can benefit the child. The sexuality of a person or couple cannot harm a child in any way. A Life-Long Adoptions study shows that children who grow up in LGBTQ+ households show increased levels of sympathy, understanding and perseverance, all character traits needed in today’s society. Those in favor of this law act as if a parent’s sexuality poisons the child when in reality, that parent could save that child from a potentially dark path. 

“I think it’s morally wrong because everyone deserves to be treated equally. Neither race, gender nor sexuality should be the deal-breaker for a well-deserving couple. Allowing any type of couple to adopt can help get kids off the street,” sophomore Khemille Brown said. 

Unfortunately, these states do not take the separation of church and state seriously. Yes, this country’s history consists of Christian roots but now people of all backgrounds share this country and do not deserve discrimination. Someone else’s lifestyle choice does not warrant disrespect of any kind from anyone. A child can go to school, earn good grades, and play outside with their friends, and no one could tell the sexual orientation of that child’s parents. Denying someone a family will lead to the government placing the child in foster care. 

“Nobody really knows of anything good that happens to foster kids who never get adopted. Only the crimes and negative behavior is shown in the media,” sophomore Angelina Sisouphanh said.

Foster care families can provide a safe, warm and loving place for a child. However, not all foster homes and families truly care about the children. Currently, 443,000 children remain in the foster system. Foster children fall victim to abuse 28 times more than children who live in their own homes. Foster children can fall down a dark hole into a life that does constant harm to them. 

Not allowing LGBTQ+ couples to adopt a child shows how certain parts of the U.S. still discriminate against others. This discrimination can lead to a dark path for helpless children and protest from the LGBTQ+ couples that try to adopt. Over time, more and more people will take up an issue with the “slate of hate” law and continue to fight for LGBTQ+ rights.