2022, a year of heroic proportions for Marvel

2022 looks as if it will result in a year of memorable films and television series for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Stories of multiversal proportions will unfold before the viewer’s eyes with heroes like Doctor Strange and Thor making their return to the big screen in spring and summer of this year. “I’m excited to see more interaction between Thor and the guardians, and I’m curious as to how they’re going to power scale a literal god with a gang of hooligans. I hope Thor becomes a slab of man meat again. Fat Thor was funny for like 30 minutes,” senior Stanley Alalof said.
February 3, 2022
Doppelgangers, multiverses, Egyptian curses and more await Marvel fans as the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) kicks off in the new year. With 2021 ending on a high note with “Spider-Man: No Way Home”, fans possess high expectations for this year in superhero cinema. The three productions coming to this big screen this year see the return of fan favorite heroes while four new series debut on Disney +. The potential for quality content has risen, meaning fans should look at the new year with excitement as they wait for the consistent stream of MCU content to begin.
“Moon Knight” takes the place as the first series to release this year. Oscar Isaac will take the role of the cult classic hero, Moon Knight who remains iconic for his anti-heroic antics fueled by dissociative identity disorder. This zero to psychotic hero storyline will follow a gift shop owner, Steven Grant, as he navigates sharing a body with mercenary, Marc Specter. The two personalities will spend the series untangling a dense web of horror-inspired mysteries involving ancient Egyptian gods utilizing the characters’ vast array of powers, including super strength during the full moon, prophetic visions, and regenerative healing.
The long-awaited sequel to “Doctor Strange”, “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness”, will follow the release of “Moon Knight” on May 6, 2022. Directed by the acclaimed Sam Raimi, creator of the cult-classic “Evil Dead” franchise and director of the original “Spider-Man” film trilogy, fans can expect a particularly horrific cinema experience, a first for the MCU. The film plans to expand upon the already introduced multiverse while it follows Doctor Strange as he faces off against a multiversal threat. With alternate universes and evil doppelgangers in a film directed by a treasured titan of the horror genre, look forward to a truly mind bending experience in “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness”.
“I think where they’re going [with the multiverse], and with Ms. Marvel and the evil Doctor Strange is real interesting. I really find the idea of him becoming the villain to himself very interesting. Marvel knows how to make great movies, and I feel like they have an emotional resonance that other superhero films don’t. I’m worried they’re going to turn Wanda into a bad guy, and I hope they don’t do that,” dramatic writing teacher Spencer Jordan said.
MCU plans to release “Thor: Love in Thunder” as the next film in line following the “Doctor Strange” sequel. Thor, one of the last remaining original Avengers, will star in his fourth film, and the second film directed by Taika Waititi. Appearing alongside characters from previous films, including the return of Thor’s love interest Jane Foster, and notably the protagonist of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” films, Starlord. The movie looks to involve outer space antics similar to that of “Thor: Ragnarok”, and will release on July 8.
Of the upcoming releases, three series do not yet possess release dates. While the MCU promises the releases of “She-Hulk”, “What If…?” season two and “Secret Invasion” in 2022, fans can expect to wait longer before knowing exactly when these series will debut. Of these, “Secret Invasion” may hold the most anticipation as the comic series that inspires it has gone down as a Marvel classic. Not much information about the show has been released, but the series presumably will follow the events of the shape-shifting Skrull invasion of Earth, and the world’s heroes joining forces to resist them.
The planned year for Marvel will come to a close with “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” followed by “The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special”. Fans anxiously await to see how Marvel handles the sequel to “Black Panther” after having opted to not recast the lead role following the untimely death of Chadwick Boseman. While fans wait for its release on November 11, they wonder who will take on the role of the titular character, Black Panther. Marvel has not released much regarding their final project for the year, but audience members can expect the 40-minute “The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special” to come out sometime in December of this year.
“I’m really excited about the Black Panther movie because since Chadwick Boseman died, they’re not going to replace him. I’m curious as to how they’re going to do that story-wise,” Jordan said.
With 2021 seeing the debut of the first MCU television series, all of which garnered critical acclaim, and ending with one of the most unique Marvel films to date, “Spider-Man: No Way Home”, fans entered the new year with high expectations. Luckily, it seems as if Marvel plans to keep up with the set level of quality with this year’s planned releases.