Atlanta, “You Signed Up For This”
Masie Peters visited Atlanta, Georgia, on March 14 as she graced The Loft’s stage and audience with her impressive musical abilities and an optimistic attitude. Attracting mostly female young adults, the concert venue’s personable vibe and layout created the perfect atmosphere for Peter’s performance.
March 18, 2022
UK-based singer and songwriter, Masie Peters, stopped in Atlanta on March 14 for the ninth stop on her “You Signed Up For This” tour. Hosted at Atlanta’s renowned concert space, Center Stage the Loft, the intimate venue welcomed 600 of Atlanta’s Masie Peter’s most dedicated fans to the sold-out show. The 21-year-old acoustic pop artist boasts a unique music style where she merges themes of hope and heartbreak to illustrate the complications surrounding love.
With doors opening at 7 pm for the 8 pm start time, devoted fans arrived hours early to secure a prime spot for the show. With a humble stage inviting only standing room, those who held spots at the front of the line inevitably earned a better spot to enjoy the concert. As fans piled into the venue to secure spots, the open floor quickly filled up and guests of age made their way to the bar. Hidden in a hallway adjacent to the bar, a merch booth allowed interested fans to purchase a variety of Masie Peters paraphernalia, including vinyl records, t-shirts and posters.
“Being in a smaller venue like The Loft made it more personal for Maisie’s fans. She interacted with the audience and her band members a lot, it was very telling how proud of them she is. Overall it was a really fun show,” 2021 NC alum Emma Tonge said.
At 8 pm sharp Peter’s talented opener, Jonah Kaegan, took the stage. The Georgia-born pop singer played a variety of released songs in addition to playing his upcoming release “Turbulence”. Expected to release Friday, March 18, the sincere song touched the hearts of all in attendance. Determined to engage audience members, Kaegan frequently bantered with concertgoers. About halfway through his setlist, a front-row fan gifted Kaegan with a pair of silver cat ears. Proudly accepting the gift, Kaegan wore the headband for the remainder of his setlist. Performing for a little over half an hour, fans cheered Kaegan off the stage at 8:35 pm as anticipation for Peters ran high.
Following Kaegan’s performance, popular pop songs came over the overhead speakers and attendees danced and sang along as they passed time waiting for Peters’ entrance. With similar musical styles and tropes, Masie Peters shares a portion of her fanbase with Taylor Swift. Aside from frequently receiving the comparison to the music icon, Peters herself also enjoys Swift’s discography. Catering to the audience, Swift’s 2012 single: “We Are Never Getting Back Together”, served as the last song played over the speakers to foster anticipation for Peters’ entrance. Fans enthusiastically sang and danced to the song until it cut off halfway through at 9 pm as dimmed lights signified Peters’ entrance. Fans cheered eagerly as they pulled out their phones to record the artist’s entrance.
Confidently taking the stage, Peters sang her title track “You Signed Up For This” as her first song of the evening. Perfectly setting the tone for the remainder of the night, Peters’ endearment for her fans and craft shone through every shared note and exchanged lyric. After her introductory song, Peters transitioned into her more upbeat songs on her album. After establishing high energy in only three songs Peters took a break to acknowledge and admire the creative signs her fans brought along with them.
Depending on the mood of each song performed, Peters alternated between singing solo with the accompaniment of her band and playing alongside them with the help of her guitar. In addition to strictly singing tracks featured on her latest album, Peters played the first single she ever released “Place We Were Made” and an unreleased song titled “Better”. Peters confessed to fans that she had never played “Better” live before, so she did not rehearse its spontaneous performance. Since they did not know the words to sing along, the only time fans remained silent occurred when Peters sang “Better”. They listened in awe as the song beautifully encompassed what oneself and one’s ex could have done “better” in previous relationships.
Playing for a little over an hour, Peters performed the majority of fan-favorite tracks from her 46-minute album. However, fans noticed the absence of Peter’s track three hit: “John Hughes Movie”. Much to the delight of fans, Peters returned to the stage and performed this song as an encore after genuinely thanking fans for attending and embracing her music.
A memorable, rejuvenating experience for all in attendance, numerous fans formed a line to purchase merch to commemorate the night. As fans flooded out of the venue, they appreciated Atlanta’s cool embrace after spending hours jumping up and down with 600 of their new friends.
“Her tone and the way she writes is definitely unique, I love it so much. Also production-wise, we don’t get to hear a lot of techno-upbeat heartbreak songs much anymore and Maisie definitely changed the game on that. If you like Taylor Swift, you will love Maisie,” Tonge said.