Barbie Ferreira “Kat” looks forward to a future without Euphoria
Eddy Chen/ HBO Chase Hutchinson Image via HBO(3)
Barbie Ferreira, the character Katherine Hernadez who previously played in the renowned HBO max series Euphoria, announced her shocking withdrawal. Ferreira appreciated and loved the character as much as fans did, but the frustration among fans rose since her decrease in screen time the past season. Fans believed Ferreira’s character would receive increased camera time and story development in the upcoming season 3. Contrary to that belief, uncertainty among fans caused by the changes in the show rose. Highly disappointed with the news, fans deserve an explanation for the jaw-dropping information.
October 4, 2022
Barbie Ferreira stepped down from her role as Katherine Hernadez in the renowned HBO max tv series “Euphoria.” The actress and model made a post on Instagram on August 25, shocking fans with a statement about her leaving the series.
“After four years of getting to embody the most special and enigmatic character, Kat, I’m having today a very teary-eyed goodbye. I hope many of you could see yourself in her like I did and that she brought you joy to see her journey into the character she is today. I put all my care I love into her, and I hope you guys could feel it. Love you, Katherine Hernandez,” Ferreira said.
Ferreira did not directly explain the reason for leaving, but reports expected her departure due to the rumors regarding her and the creator and writer of Euphoria, Sam Levinson. Allegedly, feuds on set between the two increased, and disagreements over specific ideas for her character heightened.
“I wondered how they would write her (Kat) out of the show because I had known they would kick her out since season two. She got less time being on the show, so I wondered why that was, and then I was just questioning why they kicked her out in the first place. She was one of the characters I enjoyed watching, and I didn’t care about the whole Cassie drama. I admired Kat’s story and her progress. Her storyline looked realistic. We (the audience) understood and got to relate with her,” junior Imani Mensah said.
Kat and her relatable storyline made fans love the character and how Hollywood rarely portrays a story like hers. Fans believe production wasted her character’s potential regarding the character’s progression in the show’s newest season, released on January 9. Due to the less showtime, her character received disappointment among fans. Compared to season 1, Ferreira’s screen time declined slowly but became noticeably short and only appeared in minuscule scenes throughout season 2. Fans expected Ferreira’s character to return in season 3, with a needed continuance of her storyline and camera time. With this news, uncertainty for the future of Euphoria commences. Questions remain about how the writing off of Kat Hernadez impacts fans of the show and what this means for season 3 of Euphoria, predicted to come out in late winter or early spring 2023.