No more Jeffrey Dahmer films
After 11 movies, documentaries and shows released, Jeffrey Dahmer’s story continues to live throughout all living generations, as it affected and impacted the lives of several. Dahmer does not deserve the recognition that he currently receives from society; instead, his victims should remain honored in ways besides making money or entertainment. People may find true crime entertaining, but it can retraumatize the victims’ families.
November 17, 2022
Jeffrey Dahmer died November 28, 1994, and since then, filmmakers created 11 movies telling a similar story time and time again: Dahmer’s rise in infamy. His methods for murder consisted of rape, dismemberment and cannibalism—which all the films tend to horrifically romanticize. Directors fail to acknowledge Dahmer’s existence as a real serial killer and sex offender who murdered 17 innocent, predominately Black, gay men; this makes it critical to eliminate documentaries and focus on him altogether. Platforms should not benefit from victims suffering this traumatic event.
Multiple people may argue that Netflix and other streaming services benefit from Dahmer films by making money to support their platform. Dahmer’s victims feel hurt every time they see him on their television for millions to see.
With each film released every couple of years, people of varied generations react differently. Older generations grow tired of seeing this man become a trend, while teenagers make jokes and act immaturely as if the case does not pertain to real events that happened; this remains ignorance at best and cruel at worst.
Jaimie Doxtator, Anthony Sears, Richard Guerrero and Ricky Beeks represent just four of the people who suffered from Dahmer’s assault. A 32-year-old man, Tracy Edwards, managed to escape Dahmer but began self-medicating with drugs and alcohol due to his trauma. Edwards went on to commit crimes later in his life including theft, property damage and drug possession. The victims’ families do not need the constant reminder of the trauma. Netflix disregarded this and proceeded with the making of the film “Monster: Jeffrey Dahmer Story” without the consent of the family.
“I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should have asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They did not ask me anything. They just did it. But I am not money hungry, and that is what this show is about, Netflix [is] trying to get paid,” sister of Errol Lindsay, Rita Isbell said.
Streaming channels continue to exploit Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims for money, and it remains unacceptable. It insults the families and prevents the victims from resting in peace. The families deserve a break, as well as the audience members disturbed by this trend.
“We don’t really need any more Jeffrey Dahmer films because I feel like it is repeating the hurtful process towards the process. You don’t need a movie every couple of years because people are going to know the story. And recently people have started romanticizing killers and making them seem more normal. If we make on more and just show the whole truth of what happened, just put it plain and simple. Also, have the families’ permission because I have seen that the families have been traumatized every time a new film comes out,” sophomore Noah Quarless said.